Sunday, December 2, 2018

What Is Russia Launching Into Space?

The Russian Defense Ministry on October 25 said that "a Soyuz-2.1B rocket was successfully launched carrying a satellite for the Russian military." (file photo)

Warzone/The Drive: Russia Just Launched Five Objects Into Space. One Problem, There Were Supposed To Be Four

The available information suggests that the Russians may have put yet another secretive "killer satellite" into orbit.

The Russian military says it successfully placed three classified communications satellites into orbit today, along with the upper stage of the rocket that put them there. But according to the U.S. military's Combined Space Operations Center, or CSpOC, a fifth object, possibly another, unannounced satellite, may have hitched a ride into space on the launch.

The Rokot/Briz-KM launch vehicle blasted off from Pad 3 at Site 133 at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Western Russia at just before 5:30 PM local time on Nov. 30, 2018, according to At approximately 7:12 PM, the three Rodnik communications satellites had deployed into their assigned orbits. Russia has named the trio of satellites Kosmos-2530, Kosmos-2531, and Kosmos-2532.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  So Russia did a rocket launch that probably had a military component to it.Why should this surprise anyone?


Anonymous said...

secret stuff the same way we launch, non stop, secret stuff under guise of science

Anonymous said...

Obviously the G20 was a failure. Riots in Paris, Trumps refusal to meet with Putin and even Americans total disrespect for the host. There is more that meets the eye behind the scenes and Trumpy seems to be triggering something.

B.Poster said...

It shouldn't. America's space based weapons is WAY behind countries like Russia and China. Since Donald Trump wants to make our country great, naturally he wants to invest in this and try and catch up.

B.Poster said...

The host disrespects America . As such, there's no reason to respect the host.

B.Poster said...

With that said Trump should've met with Putin. America needs this. Russia doesn't.

Obviously Ukraine sought to manipulate us. They provoked Russia for no good reason. Trump has an eastern European wife whom he loves very, very much. Perhaps his judgement is being clouded. In any event, we should NOT allow ourselves to be sacked into their conflucts

Anonymous said...

Trump met with Putin...and yes, Trump's judgment is clouded, but not by his wife