Thursday, December 27, 2018

With U.S. Forces Now Leaving, Syrian Kurdish Leaders Look To Russia And Assad

Reuters: Let down by U.S., Syrian Kurdish leaders look to Russia and Assad

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Alarmed by a U.S. decision to leave Syria, Kurdish leaders who run much of the north are urging Russia and its ally Damascus to send forces to shield the border from the threat of a Turkish offensive.

Their call for a return of Syrian government forces to the border, which Kurdish fighters have held for years, points to the depth of their crisis in the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw forces.

While little has changed on the ground yet - U.S. forces are still deployed and Trump says the pullout will be slow - Kurdish officials are scrambling for a strategy to protect their region from Turkey before the United States leaves.

Talks with Damascus and Moscow appear to be the focus for the Kurdish leadership. Their worst fear is a repeat of a Turkish attack that drove Kurdish residents and the YPG militia out of Afrin city in the northwest earlier this year.

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WNU Editor: If I was a Syrian Kurdish leader/commander .... if given a choice between Russia/Assad or Turkish President Erdogan .... I would side with Russia/Assad. My prediction. The Kurds have been in conflict against their neighbors for generations, and they know how to survive. All that they need are weapons .... something that I suspect the Americans are going to leave behind when they leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Turkey won’t do more than skirmish along the border. Kurds are well trained, supplied and the Americans will still be in Iraqi Kurdistan with road ways all the way to Irbil.

Then Russia is there too probably bargaining right now with the Kurds to access those o8l fields controlled by the Kurds.