Friday, January 4, 2019

A British Military Base On The South China Sea?

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CNN: A British military base on the South China Sea

Hong Kong (CNN)When the British defense minister revealed this week that new military bases were being considered in Asia, critics questioned whether London has the money -- or strategic vision -- to carry out such a plan.

But an examination of recent British defense initiatives shows that far from being an off-the-cuff play, a base in Asia would be a logical extension of moves made over the last few years.

Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson broached ideas for a post-Brexit British military in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph.
"This is our biggest moment as a nation since the end of the Second World War," Williamson said.

"This is our moment to be that true global player once more -- and I think the armed forces play a really important role as part of that."

Read more ....

Update #1: Britain’s planned naval base in Southeast Asia seen as ‘muscle-flexing’ against China (SCMP)
Update #2: How Britain will support America with a new naval base in Southeast Asia (Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner)

WNU Editor: The British have trouble providing proper housing for their soldiers .... Army barracks 'not fit for animals', says Tory MP after leaked fire safety report (The Guardian). But they have money to build a base in Brunei/Papau New Guinea/or Singapore? I am very skeptical that this will happen.


Anonymous said...

Well hold on there. Manus is an PNG island that the USA and Australia intend on turning into a military base. That was announced last month.
Would it be a stretch if the Brits tagged along too?

jimbrown said...

Nice play!

I still think we need to have a US-flagged vacation cruise ship stop at the Chinese base and demand some fun in the sun.