Thursday, January 17, 2019

Are Americans Tired Of Being Involved In The Mayhem Of The Middle East?


Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest: Americans are Tired of Middle East Mayhem

Can Washington avoid spending another decade of being entrapped in the Middle Eastern quicksand? Or is it dangerously close to repeating the same poor judgment?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s eight-day trip to the Middle East, which took him to Jordan and through the Gulf before concluding in Oman, was marketed by the Trump administration as a messaging tour. Coming weeks after President Donald Trump’s announcement that all U.S. troops will be leaving Syria in a matter of months, Pompeo spent the bulk of his regional tour impressing upon Arab rulers that Washington will remain an active player in the Middle East.

As is typical with many secretaries of state who deliver speeches in foreign lands, Pompeo’s remarks were full of the kinds of anecdotes and flowery rhetoric only a quintessential American exceptionalist could love. He talked about the United States as “ a force for good ” in the region, one willing and ready to stand by its partners during a time of crisis.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If polls are any indication .... the answer is yes .... Americans are tired of being involved in the mayhem that exists in the Middle East. Unfortunately .... as we learned when President Trump ordered the withdraw of military forces from Syria .... the U.S. foreign and security establishment, Republicans and Democrats, along with much of the main stream media .... have a completely different point of view, and have learned nothing since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.


Anonymous said...

Americans voted for Trump because of his anti war rhetoric. Nobody was running for more wars. Today historically anti war leftist are condemning President Trump for wanting to leave Syria. Historically anti war Republicans like Rand Paul are for Trump’s Syria plan.

The American people see thru this cynical Dem behavior. They want out.

RussInSoCal said...

It was put pretty aptly: "Sand and Death".



jimbrown said...


Anonymous said...

Power projection and troop deployments go hand in hand. Protection of resources and routes takes the use of military muscle. China and Russia are currently better at it then the USA. Presidents Bush both went to war based on this reality. Dumping out and leaving the field to democracies enemies is self destructive. Until North America can fulfill all its resource and marketing needs at home, kinetic deployments may be necessary.

Jac said...

Yes, we have to stop spending of blood and money.

Mike Feldhake said...

Someone block this dude!

Mike Feldhake said...

There has always been major strategic global reasons for being in the Middle East; deny Russia a warm water port, access to oil supply which has paid big dividends over time. I would say that these plans are outdated now and we could consider backing out some.