Saturday, January 5, 2019

Brazil Considers Allowing U.S. Military Base In Country

Newsweek: Brazil Considers Allowing U.S. Military Base in Country in Response to Russia’s Support for Venezuela’s Maduro

Brazil’s far-right president Jair Bolsonaro said that he would consider allowing the U.S. to operate a military base in his country, especially in the wake of Russia’s increasing military and economic cooperation with Venezuelan strongman Nicolás Maduro.

Speaking to Brazilian broadcaster SBT on Thursday, Bolsonaro added that he would be open to negotiating a U.S. military presence on Brazilian soil, especially since Moscow’s presence has exacerbated tensions in the region. “Depending on what happens in the world, who knows if we would not need to discuss that question in the future,” Bolsonaro said, according to Reuters. He also underscored that Brazil’s purpose is to cement its “supremacy here in South America.”

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WNU Editor: The Brazilian military is not enthusiastic with this idea .... Brazil military uneasy with Bolsonaro’s openness to U.S. base -source (Reuters)

More News On Brazil Considers Allowing A U.S. Military Base In The Country

Brazil's President Bolsonaro Considers Opening U.S. Military Base to Counter Russian Influence -- Time/AP
Bolsonaro open to 'discussing' US military base in Brazil -- France 24
Brazil's Bolsonaro: open to possibility of hosting U.S. military base -- Reuters
Brazil’s new president doesn’t rule out idea of US base in Brazil -- Stars and Stripes
Bolsonaro May Allow US Military Base On Brazilian Soil -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Why should we be there?

Anonymous said...

"Why should we be there?" Are you American?

Why wouldn't we be there? Supposing the Chinese wanted subs off the east coast. They would have to go past Alaska (risky) or through the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

Besides the tri-border region is chock full of jihadis. You might still find a few NAZIs, too.

Seen one awhile back.

RussInSoCal said...

How about a joint exercise first. See how that goes.

/I could see Brazil as a natural V-22 Osprey customer.

Anonymous said...

We are there because the new leader a right wing dictatorial guy like the other two: Trump and Bibi
We have already gone on record as planning to do something about Venezuela...the
Americans always intefere in S. Am politics except now Trump allows a base to be built by Putin in Cuba...dismissing the Monroe Doctrine...wonder why?

Anonymous said...

SEA-TAC INT’L AIRPORT, Wash. - The partial government shutdown is causing new concerns for air travel.

At Sea-Tac Airport, Transportation Security Administration officers are showing the strains of working without a paycheck and some are threatening to quit. That could end up hurting air travelers if security checkpoints turn into "chokepoints."

Because the government considers them “essential,” TSA officers remain on the job during the federal shutdown. However, the local union president said that may not last.

“If they don't get a check within two weeks, they have to make a decision whether to get a job somewhere else or get a part time job or quit TSA altogether,” said Cairo D’Almeida,

Anonymous said...

TSA quits. Try Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for treason.

The budget is trillions o dollars and those 2 buffoons are arguing about financing 5 billion.

Go figure. Bigger morons than Chuck U And Nancy you will not find.

Anonymous said...

Venezuela congress names new leader, calls Nicolas Maduro illegitimate

The new leader of Venezuela's opposition-controlled National Assembly has called Nicolas Maduro a dictator whose legitimacy has run out. Juan Guaido also said congress aimed to restore constitutional order.

anon: the govt has spent well over 5 billion since and because of temper tantrum trump! grow up

Anonymous said...

Anon believes that terrorists might do something bad at airport of get in because TSA workers strike.

Those bad, bad terrorists can't get in across the undefended southern border, because those vast stretches of the border are not 'OFFICIAL' Ports of Entry. Ergo, bad guys won't use that route?

Are you really that stupid?

I think you are that stupid.

ISIS has been telling jihadis for years to set forest fires, take out power plants, electrical substations, poison water supplies. And all you want to mope about disingenuously are the airports. What a tard!