Thursday, January 24, 2019

Canada's Ambassador To China Says Huawei Executive Has a 'Strong Case' Against Extradition

Macleans: Canada’s top diplomat in China says Meng Wanzhou has a ‘strong case’: Video

Watch Canada’s top diplomat in China, John McCallum, outline the Huawei executive’s potential arguments against extradition to the U.S.

Canada’s ambassador to China told Chinese-language media in Markham, Ont., that Meng Wanzhou has a strong case to make against extradition to the United States. Canada detained the 46-year-old Huawei executive in Vancouver on Dec. 1, and a judge granted her bail after a three-day hearing. As she awaits a likely extradition hearing, ambassador John McCallum told reporters on Jan. 22 that Meng “has some strong arguments she can make before a judge.” He cited comments from U.S. President Donald Trump as “political involvement.” It was a stunning admission at an event that Canadian English and French media were not made aware of. This is a partial transcript of McCallum’s remarks.

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WNU Editor: This is not how an Ambassador should act. This is a legal manner and it is in the courts. By making this statement ambassador John McCallum is only making the case for the Chinese government that this is a political manner that can be quickly resolved by Canada making the political decision to release Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. So why did the ambassador make these remarks? I am very familiar with who John McCallum is. That is his character, he goes rogue, and this is one of many reasons on why he was told by Prime Minister Trudeau to resign as Minister of Immigration two years ago and take the post of Canadian Ambassador to China. My guess is that ambassador John McCallum believes that by taking the Chinese side, he would be in a position to ask the Chinese to release the two Canadians that are currently being held, and to void the death penalty for a third Canadian who was convicted of drug smuggling. He is also playing to the anti-Trump sentiment in Canada, blaming the President while ignoring the legal process that is currently underway. Unfortunately .... I know the Chinese are going to exploit this situation for their own domestic audience (this story is big in China), and they will not accommodate someone like ambassador John McCallum.

More News On Canada's Ambassador To China Saying That Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou Has a 'Strong Case' Against Extradition

Huawei executive has strong case to fight extradition: Canadian envoy -- Reuters
Canadian ambassador: Huawei exec could avoid US extradition -- AP
Canada ambassador says Meng has 'strong case' against extradition -- AFP
Canada's top diplomat in China criticized for wading into Meng Wanzhou case -- National Post
McCallum has put Canada in an impossible situation with China -- Andrew Coyne, National Post
Canada's man in Beijing says Huawei's Meng has 'strong case.' That puts Trudeau in a bind -- CBC


Anonymous said...

Canada will fold to china and make its place between a rock and a hard place a little more permanent.

Anonymous said...

Nobody noticed the irony of the ambassador stating political interference from Trump in the case while he engages in exactly the same?
Amb. operate on instructions and I suspect this instance he is acting under orders.

Anonymous said...

all problems in our world can be traced to a dislike of Trump and Viewing CNN...except, perhaps, for the Black Plague in the middle ages

Anonymous said...

He was simply saying that she COULD cite Trump's comments about the case as political interference during her hearing. He wasn't saying "le cheeto benito orange man bad!"

It's obviously ridiculous how they blame all the world's problems on Trump, but ya don't gotta counter-signal so hard that one eventually becomes a parody as well.