Thursday, January 24, 2019

China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran Are Making EMP Weapons

Washington Free Beacon: China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’

Report reveals electromagnetic war scenarios

Several nations, including China and Russia, are building powerful nuclear bombs designed to produce super-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves capable of devastating all electronics—from computers to electric grids—for hundreds of miles, according to a newly-released congressional study.

A report by the now-defunct Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack, for the first time reveals details on how nuclear EMP weapons are integrated into the military doctrines of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

The report discloses how those states could use EMP attacks in theaters of battle in the Middle East, Far East, Europe, and North America.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am always skeptical of these reports. Especially when they make the claim that Iran is only one year from manufacturing such a nuclear weapon. I also do not accept the position that an EMP attack would NOT be treated as a nuclear attack. If an EMP weapon is used, it will be treated as an attack that would be quickly followed by a real nuclear attack. In that situation, the question would then be "who would then launch an overwhelming nuclear strike first".


Anonymous said...

2-3 years ago and the two decades before that, everyone in the MSM was talking about an unstoppable rise of China that we would have to accept and we all better learn Chinese. Remember? Haha Two years ago, Trump takes office and now the US economy is 2 times the size of China's official numbers (and likely 2.5-3 times the actual Chinese GDP). So what has changed? Why do Democrats hate Trump so much? Russia is also going downhill. Putin puppet? USA is now biggest producer of oil in the world and the oil price is pretty low, which is very bad news for Russia. Why do Democrats and CNN always push this agenda that we should distrust, get rid, impeach Trump? Who controls their narratives and who would win by removing Trump? Again, Russia and China..

Anonymous said...

JFC. EMP's? Really? Do the clowns at the WFB only read Tom Clancy books? Why do hacks have some silly obsession with wunderwaffe?

Smart comment by WNU, it would considered a first strike.

Anonymous said...

by every economic study thus far, the Chinese economy will move ahead of the American one within two years
your agenda: support love of Trump...ok fine. But we have what for foreign policy? lost Syria to Assad, Russia, Iran...Russians all over South America for first time. Chinese taking over large parts of Africa etc
we our America First ie, no allies and losing Pacific nations soon

tip: you would be more credible if you stopped parroting Trump on CNN since Fox it is that has been shown consistently to lie, make mistake and not correct them...

Anonymous said...

This Time It’s Russia’s Emails Getting Leaked
The Russian oligarchs and Kremlin apparatchiks spared by WikiLeaks in the past will not be so lucky this week, when transparency activists drop a massive archive of leaked docs.

Anonymous said...

Live your msm illusion, but don't push it on me

Anonymous said...

You do not watch Fox, right? that is MSM

Anonymous said...

Two Republican Senators to Break With Trump, Vote to End Government Shutdown Without Border Wall Funding