Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping Does Not Rule Out Using Military Force On Taiwan

BBC: Xi Jinping says Taiwan 'must and will be' reunited with China

Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged the people of Taiwan to accept it "must and will be" reunited with China.

In a speech marking 40 years since the start of improving ties, he reiterated Beijing's call for peaceful unification on a one-country-two-systems basis.

However, he also warned that China reserved the right to use force.

While Taiwan is self-governed and de facto independent, it has never formally declared independence from the mainland.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Taiwan government responds .... Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen rejects Chinese President's comments (Euronews). More reaction from Taiwan is here .... Taiwan will never accept China's 'one country, two systems,' says President Tsai (Taiwan News).

More News On Chinese President Xi's Remarks On Taiwan

China warns Taiwan that unification is 'inevitable' and threatens to use military force and 'all necessary means' to end the island's independence -- Daily Mail
China's Xi Jinping Says Taiwan Must Be Unified With Mainland -- Bloomberg
China not ruling out military force as it seeks 'inevitable' reunification with Taiwan -- SKY News
Xi Jinping Warns Taiwan That Unification Is the Goal and Force Is an Option -- The New York Times
China reserves right to use force to bring Taiwan under its control, Xi Jinping says -- Independent
Xi Urges Peaceful Unification Of China And Taiwan, But Won't Rule Out Using Force -- NPR
Foreign involvement in Taiwan independence is 'intolerable,' China's Xi says -- CNBC
China May Use Force to Counter Foreign Meddling in Taiwan - President Xi -- Sputnik
Chinese President Xi Jinping urges Taiwan to follow Hong Kong model for unification -- SCMP


Matthew Putnam said...

This is what happens when you economically empower, and thusly militarily empower a bellicose adversary with opposing values. You can mainly thank leftist globalist economic peace theory idiots and institutions.

Anonymous said...

Have no idea what you are muttering about. Last I heard of it, Nixon had opened China to the world...all that came after and up till now is the result...don't like what you call globalist whatever, do not get anything via Home Depot or made outside the country. Oh, but you will, won't you?
ps: name calling is part of the tirade of Deplorables

Matthew Putnam said...

The argument was plain english, and easy to deconstruct. Never said that he didn't do that. Not even implied it actually. My argument was against what is keeping the arrangement going, and what is responsible for that. If you can't keep up with the conversation, best you keep seated and not join.

ps: Being an emotionally charged leftist is part of the incoherent tirade of deplorables.

See how that works?

Anonymous said...

"Nixon had opened China to the world"


So China was not open to Russia, North Korea, North Vietnam, the East bloc before then?

Fucking Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton all but gave the Chinese the nuclear launch codes to the Chinese when the failed at launching Loral satellites.