Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Chinese Releases Video Of A DF-26 Ballistic Launch That Can Hit U.S. Aircraft Carriers

SCMP: China releases footage of ‘Guam killer’ DF-26 ballistic missile in ‘clear message to the US’

* Next-generation missile with improved stability and accuracy launched during military exercise
* Analyst says it’s a bid ‘to reinforce the notion that the PLA has the capability to sink US carriers and inflict unacceptable damage on American forces’

China has revealed footage of its next-generation Dongfeng-26 ballistic missile showing improved stability and accuracy, a move analysts say aims to send a message to the United States about its military strength.

Footage of the missile was released for the first time in a report on state broadcaster CCTV, amid intensifying military rivalry between China and the US.

Four fin-like flight control surfaces are seen around the missile nose in the report on an exercise in northwest China. The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force launched at least one DF-26 missile during the drill.

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More News On China's DF-26 Missile Launch

Missile launch shows China's DF-26 able to adjust position mid-flight, attack moving aircraft carriers: expert -- ECNS
Ballistic missile can hit moving ships, China says, but experts remain skeptical -- CNN
China tests 'Guam killer' missile it says can strike moving warships -- ABC News Online
China launches supersonic nuclear missile that 'could reach US territory and sink moving aircraft carriers' during a drill amid tensions between Beijing and Washington -- Daily Mail
China tests ‘Guam killer’ missile, claims weapon could strike moving aircraft carrier -- Stars and Stripes
This Picture Is the U.S. Military's Worst Nightmare Come True -- National Interest
China Releases Footage of Successful Launch of Missile That Could Strike U.S. Territory -- Newsweek
WATCH China Test Launch 'Carrier Killer' Missile Amid Strait Tensions With US -- Sputnik


Bob Huntley said...

I Remember when the Exocet missile was developed in France. One claim was that it could sink a carrier as tests showed that when it came straight down from on high on a carrier, whose carrier they tested it on I don't know, it penetrated several decks 3 or 4 so that when it exploded it did a lot of damage.

Jeffsmith said...

If they sank a carrier and that's a big if it would cost them over 500 billion dollars in exports a year. That's not counting any other measures the United States could take. Such as deporting all Chinese Nationals including students. A total naval blockage would be much more likely I think. Their economy would will on the vine. It would be financial suicide.

Bob Huntley said...

That's for sure Jeff. I guess it would be smart to not destroy China's economy.

Anonymous said...

"That's for sure Jeff. I guess it would be smart to not destroy China's economy."

Ass backwards as always