Sunday, January 27, 2019

Commercial Spy Satellites Are Now Photographing The Entire Earth Everyday

Robert Cardillo shows correspondent David Martin around the NGA operations center

CBS News: Private company launches "largest fleet of satellites in human history" to photograph Earth

A private company has set off a revolution in space by launching hundreds of small satellites, enough to photograph the entire landmass of the Earth every day.

For decades the U.S. has relied on spy satellites to look deep inside the territory of its adversaries. These giant billion-dollar satellites take high resolution photographs which can see objects as small as a fist inside Russia, North Korea or wherever the target is. Tonight we will take you inside the intelligence agency where those photos are analyzed, and we will also take you inside a revolution that is rocking the top secret world of spy satellites. A private company named Planet Labs has put about 300 small satellites into space, enough to take a picture of the entire land mass of the Earth every day. Those small satellites have created a big data problem for the government which can't possibly hire enough analysts to look at all those pictures. Welcome to the revolution.

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WNU Editor: I am sure there is a market for this, and this is a technology that will only improve with time.


Anonymous said...

This has been going on for some time now
We send stuff into space with claim it is for science studies, a cover for military testing etc
a number of private firms get data for commercial use and sell it and of course GPS using such things

Anonymous said...

the program on 60Miutes showed how O.B. Ladin house photographed using scans from before the house even built so we knew how to attack it...and that tells us that this world scanning has been going on for many years
the data like stuff kept by other intel agencies and can be called up as and when needed

Anonymous said...

Editor is right.
there is a market. My son works in private sector that uses such data to sell, market to commercial places