Monday, January 14, 2019

Does President Trump Work For Russian President Putin?

The Hill: Trump: I never worked for Russia

President Trump on Monday denied he “worked for Russia” in his most direct response yet to a bombshell report that the FBI became so worried about his behavior toward Moscow that it opened an investigation into whether he was working on its behalf.

“I never worked for Russia,” Trump told reporters at the White House before leaving to speak at a farmers’ convention in New Orleans.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This coverage alluding that President Trump is a Russian spy is so insane that I do not even know where to begin .... Reports About Trump And His Dealings With Russia Raise New Questions (YouTube). That after two years of nothing but Russian collusion on the mainstream media, we still have no evidence . Just people's opinions and the belief that Donald Trump won the Presidency because of Russia, and that is more than good enough for the media to justify their news coverage. Case in point .... Carl Bernstein: Trump helped Putin destabilize US (YouTube).

More News On Allegations That President Trump Works For Russia

Trump: 'I never worked for Russia. It's just a hoax' – live updates -- The Guardian
Trump denies ever working for Russia, blasts investigators -- AP
Trump: 'I never worked for Russia' -- Reuters
Trump says 'never worked for Russia,' slams 'big fat hoax' -- AFP
Trump a Russian agent? 'Never,' he says -- AFP
Trump denies he ever worked for Russia -- BBC
Donald Trump says question of whether he's ever worked for Russia is the 'most insulting' he's ever been asked -- ABC News Online


jimbrown said...

Ay caramaba.

Anonymous said...

Remember it was Obama caught on video and audio back in 2012 pleading with Medvedev to get Putin to go easy on the Obama Admin during the election and he would promise Putin that Obama will go easy on him after the election.

If that's not colluding then nothing is.
Basically the game plan is to accuse Trump of stuff the Obama team actually did.

Carl said...

What a load of horse shit. THis just shows how desperate the Trump haters in Washington and London are getting. None of their gambits have worked so far and so they come up with this fantasy hoping it'll work for them before Trump succeeds in ending their never-ending wars.

Anonymous said...

The Collusion With Russia Is in Plain Sight
What did Donald Trump say to Vladimir Putin when no one else could hear them?
Subpoena the Interpreter
There are real costs to such a move—but the public needs to know what was said between Trump and Putin.
Why Is Trump Spouting Russian Propaganda?
The president’s endorsement of the U.S.S.R.’s invasion of Afghanistan echoes a narrative promoted by Vladimir Putin.
White House Aides Regret Trump Did Not Clearly Deny Being a Russian Agent on Fox News--and so just now he lied and said he "nerver worked for Russia"

President Trump Rejects Proposal to Temporarily Reopen the Government

Anonymous said...

a rather odd post!
The editor has posted a Trump denial but a few days ago, asked the same question on Fox, Trump refused to say NO and babbled on about god knows what...that refusal to say NO became a meme and was all over the net. Except here. Now, finally told he looks bad, he denies it, and so the denial, days later , gets posted. Of course Trump has never been known to lie so I guess we are now to believe him

Anonymous said...

Trump’s and Pompeo’s weird non-denials about Trump working for Russia
Pompeo’s may actually be more telling -- especially now that Trump has denied it

Anonymous said...

Obama is a saint,alright? When he used the IRS to target republicans, that's just good old fun with the boys. When Trump uses his freedom of free speech in today's hyper PC world then he's a Nazi who works with Putin and no proof is needed

Anonymous said...

Right exactly. Now people not speaking means something. Also the way he looked I think means something. .maybe he drowned puppies and wants to tell the world about it.

fred said...

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. (see trends).

The president’s overall job approval rating has been falling since his Oval Office address last week calling for enhanced border security and the building of a wall to help stop illegal immigration. This is his lowest daily approval rating in nearly a year.

Anonymous said...

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump did so after a meeting with Putin in 2017 in Hamburg that was also attended by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. U.S. officials learned of Trump’s actions when a White House adviser and a senior State Department official sought information from the interpreter beyond a readout shared by Tillerson.

The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is thought to be in the final stages of an investigation that has focused largely on whether Trump or his associates conspired with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. The new details about Trump’s continued secrecy underscore the extent to which little is known about his communications with Putin since becoming president.

RussInSoCal said...

Its a poll-gasm!

"Most people think President Trump's critics are trying to use Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to delegitimize the 2016 elections, the latest IBD/TIPP Poll finds. And a plurality thinks the FBI investigation into Trump's alleged ties to Russia was meant to rein him in.

These findings come in the wake of a New York Times story Friday that claimed the FBI had opened a counterintelligence probe into Trump several months into his presidency

The probe began, the Times says, days after Trump fired then FBI Director James Comey and was meant to determine whether Trump was a Russian agent.

Trump blasted the report, and said that the question of his being a Russian agent is "the most insulting thing I've ever been asked."
Politicized Investigation

The IBD/TIPP Poll found that 51% agree that "the president's opponents are using the ongoing special counsel investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion as a way to delegitimize the 2016 election."

That includes most independents (52%), as well as the vast majority of Republicans (70%). The poll found that almost a third of Democrats (31%) agree with that statement.

Overall, 44% disagreed with that statement."

Anonymous said...

The stats I had posted are from Rasmussen, a pro Trump, pro right of center pollster, used often at this site..


Media Bias: In late November, President Trump suggested a new contest for what he called the "Fake News Trophy." Which news network, he said "is the most dishonest and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me)." We took him up on his offer, and the results surprised even us.

The IBD/TIPP Poll asked in its December poll "which television outlet is the most and least honest and fair in its coverage of President Trump?"

The answer to both questions was … Fox News.

Anonymous said...

Look here; what's more believable 1) Trump works for Putin OR 2) This is a media scheme to shape 2020 elections. LOL, #2 dummies!

I mean if you think Trump IS working for Putin......PROVE IT or Shut Up.

Argh! The stupidity of some of our population.

Anonymous said...

1. trump working for putin
2. proof on the way: Mueller, Cohen...when they get translator under oath ..person who had notes, taken away by Trump, in meeting for which not one American present and for which no record ...stay calm..population dumb? don;'t you believe in democracy? leave for other nation

Anonymous said...

I see tin foil caps are making a come back...

Anonymous said...

Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia