Saturday, January 26, 2019

France And Germany Say They Are Committed To A European Army

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Soeren Kern, The Gatestone Institute: France and Germany: "We Are Committed to the Emergence of a European Army"

* "Populism and nationalism are increasing in all our countries. For the first time, a country — Great Britain — is leaving the European Union. Worldwide, multilateralism is under pressure...." – German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

* "Converging this much with Germany is an abandonment of sovereignty — a betrayal. If we had not alerted the public, this text would have been signed on the sly. The text provides in particular for the need to legislate in the event of obstacles to Franco-German cooperation.... I do not want more convergence with Berlin, be it in social or security matters, or in closer consultation in the UN Security Council." – Marine Le Pen, Le Temps.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And they accuse President Trump of undermining NATO.


Anonymous said...

Yeah the lies about Trump are incredible. He has sent US troops back to Europe and has confronted Russia since his first day in power. Plus he has equipped Ukraine with weapons Obama refused to provide. Yet it is Germany and France doing all they can to force a EU army to compete with NATO. But they see the writing on the wall, NATO is useless to the USA and one day the USA will know it.

Bob Huntley said...

Do you even realize what you are saying?

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest reasons why france and germany want a EU army is so that these two countries can develop made in eu weapons "reality germany and france" and in turn sell them or force other EU countries to buy their weapons.

Outside of these two EU countries the majority of the others use either us, third party or homegrown weapons.

It's a cash grab in the name of unity.

Anonymous said...

Merkel: a lame duck PM, who0 could not do job 1 and protect her countries borders.

Macron: an empty suit PM who splintered off from the socialist party to form a socialist part with a 'difference' and fool them, the voters, again with that maneuver and with his relative youth and good looks. A man(?), who cannot figure out how to father children or does not care to. A man with out children so what does he care of the future? A man who married a bear?

A man on his way out in 4 years.

These 2 are going to form an army?

Are they going to form an army like they formed the European Union by hammering square pegs into round holes?

Anonymous said...

Do you even realize what you are saying? Bob Huntley?

”I retired from banking after 32 years. “ - Bob Huntley

October 21, 2015 at 1:11 PM

“By the way I spent my life working as a machinist in an elevator factory. Imagine this if you can…” - Bob Huntley

September 23, 2018 at 12:43 PM


Тебя надо казнить, больной ублюдок.

October 27, 2018 at 8:06 PM

Translation of what Bob Huntley posted:
“You must be executed, sick bastard.”

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bob should read the next WNU blogpost

Italian PM: France And Germany Are Taking Us 'For A Ride' In The EU. France Responds By Saying 'Mind Your Own Business'

Such a snotty attitude by TPTB in France that cannot run a countries economy and provide employment.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06

Bob Huntley probably believes in the AGW models are accurate. He does not know that when a model backcasts with a near perfect goodness of fir R-squared, it usually does a very poor job of forecasting like ... the AGW models.

The AGW models did not predict the pause in the oughts. They denied there was a pause. Then they said the heat was going into the oceans. Then in the teens they switch back and said there was no pause. Very good models NOT!

They have been wiretapping (FBI/NSA) or investigating Trump for over 3 years. Next week in February they will be asking for a 4th year or a 5th year.

Bob believes in Mueller, who spent 10 years on the Anthrax case and never caught anyone. No one is in jail for mailing anthrax around the country. Mueller and apparatchiks (not rank & file) had as their prime suspect a person, who was OCONUS, when some of the mailing happened. Inspector Cluseau indeed!

Bob is really whip smart. So much so he should immediately travel Venezuela and save la revolución. It should be safe. He is not expected to fight. The Russians sent 400 soldiers to Venezuela. The US will not invade. So no fighting for Bob. All he has to do given them his wisdom on how to run the economy of oil rich Venezuela that has as much proven reserves as Saudi Arabia. Should be be cake walk for Bob.

Bob Huntley said...

Yup Anon you haven't a clue.

Anonymous said...

Bobby, go to Venezuela and fix your paradise ... try # 9,999.

Bobby spent his whole working life working in an elevator factory.

Bobby spent his whole working life working in banking.

That is 2 whole working lives. Apparently 'lil Bobby, the banker cannot add to well.

He doesn't lie well either. He has portrayed himself as both divorced and just separated also. If you are separated you are not divorced. If you are separated, you are estranged and probably on your way to divorce, but you are not divorced.

We can say this for Bobby. He sure is strange.

And we can say this for certain about Bobby. He will spend the rest of his life complaining about the US, Europeans, capitalism, The West etc ad naseum.

Bobby should be put in a museum or zoo as sterling example of a liberal.

Anonymous said...

There is a happy day for Bob.

Now that John McCallum has been fired, he can vote for him again as MP!

fred said...

anon above is the same girly boy who posed as
A. Smith, a fake name...same hate, snippiness, girly boy stalking

Anonymous said...

Bob never passes up an opportunity to bash America or the American military.

Have you have pushed back on that narrative?

Do you think America's involvements in Korea was just or do you think that, since you participated in the Korean War, you are no better than Lieutenant Calley?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bob is right. Maybe since you participated in a War America was involved in since WW2 you are a war criminal.