Saturday, January 26, 2019

Incredible Video Emerges Of The Russian Supersonic Strike Bomber Tu-22M3 That Crashed Earlier This Week

WNU Editor: WNU posted news of this accident earlier this week .... Russian Supersonic Strike Bomber Tu-22M3 Crash-Lands In The Murmansk Region (January 22, 2019). As to the above video. I do not know if this video is authentic, but it does look like a  Russian Supersonic Strike Bomber Tu-22M3 crashing in a snowstorm. As to why I am skeptical? The cameraman was in the right place at the right time to take a video of this accident. People do not stand in the middle of a snowstorm taking videos of planes landing. This also makes me wonder if there was a problem with the bomber, and this cameraman knew about it.

The bomber appears at the 1:09 mark in the above video.

Hat tip to Laszlo for this video.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, that's definitely less than ideal landing conditions.

Anonymous said...

Too fast landing. The plane split In two upon landing and looks like pilot error.

Anonymous said...

It's a tragedy, so close to safety/landing

And also, yet again service men dying to keep"us"/"you" save from the perceived threat we constantly see in each other.

Last year on the US side there were so many training and other accidents this year it's Russia's turn - in all cases it sucks and should remind us that we should be thankful for their service and more importantly see them as more reason to cross our differences, especially as Russians and Americans actually want the same. .quality sex, a good job, and a nice vacation from time to time. We don't need all of the military sh $t.. that we need because our leaders can't get along and our media is profiting of fear mongering on both sides. RT is basically daily fear mongering against the west, especially against the US and UK, and CNN/fox is giving us or daily anti communism/Anti putin immunisation.

I don't have the answer but people dying all the freaking time just to prepare and practice for war is just mental. I know statistically speaking it's perhaps not much different than let's say working in a coal mine. ..the difference is : war and constant fear mongering is a human choice. The need for heating is not.