Saturday, January 26, 2019

Iran Accuses Russia Of Not Activating Syria's S-300 Defense Systems During Last Week's Israeli Attacks

© Photo : Russian Defence Ministry

Jerusalem Post: Iran angrily blames Russia for disrupting S-300 system amid Israeli attack

The Russian-made S-300 system could have thwarted Israeli's retaliatory actions following a missile strike toward northern Israel.

Official news sources in Iran publicly attacked the Russian government, blaming them for deliberately disrupting the S-300 air defense systems during the recent flare-up between their forces in Syria and Israel.

Meanwhile, Russia announced that the S-300 air defense systems in Syria are not ready for operation.

Israel hit several Iranian targets in Syria targets this week after a rocket was shot toward the northern border.

Iranian National Security and Foreign Policy Commission head Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh told the Islamic Republic News Agency that they were extremely dismayed by the fact that the S-300 system was inactive during the incident.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran ‘Angry’ Over Russia Not Activating S-300 Defense Systems in Syria (Jewish Press)
Update #2: Syrian S-300 Systems Were 'Inactive' During Israeli Missile Attack – Iranian MP (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: This is raising a few eyebrows in the Middle East.


Roger Smith said...

Very interesting. A bit of a squeeze on Putin, methinks.

Anonymous said...

I think the S300 would have been taken out by Israel, easily ..and that would be bad for Russian arms sales. They seem to always power down when US tech is around :))

Anonymous said...

I’m not so sure Putin thinks both he and the Iraniacs can both have a place powerbroking in Syria.

Anonymous said...

Case I it works

Case II it does not work as advertised. If the Russians cannot get it to work, how are the Iranians with their smaller economic, industrial, and scientific base going to develop one? Iran is at a disadvantage right off the boot. They waste 1/2 of their resources from the start. As a Muslim country they waste the brain power/talents of their 2nd class citizens, women. Then there is the corruption.

6:02 Very great comment.

Anonymous said...

Putin: comrade trump. leave. i run the area with iran and other lesser pretend nations...Trump: Da

Anonymous said...

As Obozo left Iraq, he took those troops and stationed them in Jordan and then sat for a spell. Then he did the same non-lethal aid that Jimmy Carter did in 1979 in Afghanistan.

Obozo really had a lot of courage and conviction.

Forward to 2014 and a well funded and well stocked ISIS is massacring and decimating the Kurds left right and center. Kobane was 1/2 taken and Obozo decide to use 2% of the Air Force to help the Kurds otherwise his poll numbers would have dropped.

He still would not bomb the hell out of the ISIS money makers oil. He feared damaging the micro-refineries that pollute out the wazoo. Go figure but Obama is not a bright man. he gives Forest a run for his money. He also leafleted convoys of oil trucks, because he has to save the lives of those working for ISIS or something.

Then Putin comes along and in 2015 and starts hitting ISIS hard and Obozo lets the dogs out, because he does not want Putin to get all the credit. A person has to wonder if Obama has a soft spot for ISIS like he does for Boko Haram. Barrack never really wanted to list Boko as a terrorist group. After years and years Barrack finally listed them with unseemly haste.

Libtards bellyache for years and years about drone strikes against ISIS and Al AQaeda targets. Canadian libtards are butt hurt, literally butt hurt, that Awlaki and his son got taken out by a drone. Tards also decry the cost of GWOT.

As soon as Trump wants to pull back the tards do not gripe about stand off weapons or the cost. All the sudden they have COME TO JESUS MOMENT and they are all concerned about ISIS.

What a bunch of hypocritical,self absorbed morons!


Anonymous said...

always the way out: harken back to Obama. Fact: Trump president for the past two years in which he kissed Putin's butt at everything and now pulls America out and left Syria to Russia and Iran...stupid to go back to Obama, at which time Iran and Russia did but little till they saw Trump neutered

Anonymous said...


Darling, you are one of those that berate the US for having no legal standing to be in Syria. Then you speak out of the other side of your mouth and decry that Trump would leave. I be you could smoke 2 cigars at the same time.

Building up the military is not kissing Putin's butt.

The only reason we have not had more protests about our involvement in Syria is because the Democrat Party Power brokers, NGOs and other Leftwinger funders have not authorized it.

As soon as Trump said Hell no we are not leaving, Antifa ANSWER Coalition and all your other friends and main squeezes would be marching in several cities.

We need to fight the battle against the tards before we get tied down further abroad.

And to think that so much Funding came form Moscow and went to liberals. Liberal that deceivers like Brennan voted for.

fred said...

ah, the liberals blah blah blah

fact: we let Russia and Iran take over Syria. Fact: Iran and its proxy now close to Golan heights
we cut and ran except we are still there but we are leaving but we are not yet sure when that will be etc Now some more tirade about Obama and liberals...want to play the disparaging game? ok.
Trump got his pussy whipped by a woman, got nagged by his base for wimping out; his numbers in the septic tanks... the GOP refusing to put together the committee in intel in Congress to slow down the elected Dems from doing their job...Whimp Trump already threatening another shutdown and implying the use of Exec Order (emergency for how many months now?) which will begin a precedent that any smart person knows will be bad for our nation, ie, gun control, gerrymandering, health laws, the draft etc.
It is Sunday. Not warm here but nice enough. And so, Trumians, I leave you to foam at the mouth, assemble more bs about liberals and Obama, and skip over the disaster who is your president...enjoy the day and the funny papers (or is that too MSM?)

Anonymous said...

Liberal thinks Russia is a threat, but only because his party told him it was a threat.

Liberal just loved Obama slamming Romney in 2012 for saying Russia was a threat. Four years later Liberal got religion.

Liberal is about as smart as a weather vane, a vain one.

Obama Chides Romney: 'The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back'

It is a link to a Youtube clip of the debate, so the good news is you won;t have to strain your reading skills. You ability to comprehend or to be honest will be sorely taxed.


Anonymous said...

'Trump got his pussy whipped by a woman'

There are approximately 250 elected Democrats behind her forming a voting block in the legislature. If you call that 1 woman, well you cannot count. It does not come as a surprise since you said you needed an accountant to do your adding, subtracting and multiplying. Must be too dumb or too cheap to use tax software or spreadsheet. You could learn how to use a spreadsheet cut and paste person.

Add to that the press is behind her. 80% to 90% of the press are liberal. They are lazy and they are stupid.

On any given Monday the press will use the same exact words to describe the top stories. They are a faction, a very large one in the body politic and they are behind whatever Democrat de jour.

They are too lazy to find different words. That would be like ... work.

And we know they coordinate their message (Journolist).

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

sound like trump!

fred said...

one woman and yes many men and other women, ie Congress
Trump=congress+senate..he is almost one man speaking with many standing firmly behind him. He said No Wall funding no open govt...He caved and she held out with the Dems...He lost and he is the president and he will do some silliness very soon because his manhood, like yours, shown for what it is

Anonymous said...

Trump cared about 800,00 federal workers more than Nancy Pelosi did.

Trump operates in a certain way. He says congress should get something doing like DACA or the Wall. Congress< Democrat or Republican, never does it. Obama 'made' law or so various judges and miscreants tell us with an illegal executive order. Congress is supposed to pass law and the president is suppose to execute the laws faithfully.

If we have an imperial presidency, then we do not have a Republic. You are okay with an illegal DACA order, ergo you must hate the Republic. It makes you unpatriotic, a cad, and a stupid person.

Trump telegraphed again. He gave a deadline of 3 weeks. Since Trump is 1.2 responsible for the longest shutdown in history, He is more serious than Syrian Redline Obama.

Of course Nancy Pelosi does not want a wall. She has all those non-union businesses. We are talking about her pocket book here!

So I have Fred down as pro-union unless there is a caveat, carve out or loophole for some Democrat politician or donor.

All very Janus-like, but what can you expect from a non-STEM PhD.

Anonymous said...

The Russians should let the Iranians shoot them so their treasury can be drained buying the reloads!

fazman said...

Sorry he's right, the mess is obamas and Trump and Putin cleaned it up.

fred said...

Trump lifts sanctions on firms linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

Democrats in Congress opposed move to lift restrictions
Deripaska is ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin

girly boy at it non stop...anon (aka AS) having long period this time.
ltry to address an issue without recourse to personal attack on a commenter here, a tactic you got from sucking at the tit of Trump

fred said...

America First*: Jared Kushner and other Trump officials get top-secret clearances despite career professionals' saying no

Donald Trump: Right-wing supporters label president 'wimp' and 'broken man' over border wall capitulation, forcing him onto defensive

Mick Mulvaney says Trump is actually prepared to let the government shut down again
A simple data analysis disproves the argument for building a border wall

Anonymous said...

Obama Chides Fred: 'The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back'
267,073 vie

Hawks are fairly consistent.

Democrats no so much.

fazman said...

Of course you need a wall,what is so confusing about wanting to slow the stem of illegals,drugs, and guns?