Saturday, January 5, 2019

Is China Preparing To Invade Taiwan?

Gordon Chang, National Interest: Is China Gearing Up To Invade Taiwan?

Xi Jinping is appealing to nationalism in the face of mounting challenges back home—and it could spell trouble for Taipei and Washington.

Xi Jinping, in his first speech in 2019 , told Taiwan it had no choice but to become part of China. “China must be, will be reunified,” is how the Chinese ruler put it on Wednesday, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

Xi did not break rhetorical or theoretical ground when commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan, but he took the occasion to stress Beijing’s willingness to go to war. “We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means,” he said. The New York Times reported “rousing applause” for his bellicose lines.

The fact he chose at this time to give “his first major speech” on Taiwan suggests belligerent themes are popular in Beijing.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Chinese President Xi is making China's policy towards Taiwan very clear .... Chinese President Xi Jinping Does Not Rule Out Using Military Force On Taiwan (January 2, 2019)

Update: Beijing ‘will keep military pressure on Taiwan’ after Xi Jinping’s call for unification (SCMP)


Bob Huntley said...

It looks as if Taiwan should work out a deal with China for gradual assimilation.

Anonymous said...

Someone is stronger than me now. Waaah! Solution: Get down on the knees and kiss ass.

Cowards are to be despised.

Roger Smith said...

My goodness. What a speechmaker. I wonder why those exploited islanders are not yet on migrant boats to the motherland?
I don't understand the infatuation with this island by xi.

Unknown said...

Reunification for Communism between Taiwan and China? No way

Unknown said...

Democracy and Freedom is right for the people in Taiwan

Bob Huntley said...

Yeah right, democracy and freedom. All that is going on at this time in the USA and then this.

It is not surprising see the usual suck ups like Pelosi and Schumer in on this. Netanyahu once told his fellow Zionists at a meeting that he could make the American government do just about anything he wanted. The US government is Israel's bitch.

As to the House Speaker I expect nothing much from her but the same old machine politics she exemplifies. She has already tried to sabotage the Green New Deal.

The rich donor class is too busy raping the country to put up with anything like that and Nancy just wanted to tell them not to worry.

Unknown said...

So many people wanted to change,to Democracy and Freedom in China

Anonymous said...

The reason why China needs to control Taiwan is this:

1. The average Taiwanese is richer, more free and happier than the average Chinese. By far. Mainland China residents sometimes must wonder if there's something they're doing better over there. This is absolutely forbidden thought in China. You cannot have it as it's the main danger to the one party - same reason organised religion is forbidden. Because they could show an alternative to justice and moral than the party dictates

2. Militarily. Most important hub due to size, proximity, defendablity. Allows landing bases underground / in mountain sides to be formed etc

3. Other cultural influence that happens during business exchange can be better controlled. China wants all of Asia eventually. For strategic reasons they must. You cannot control the future of the party otherwise. If there's two systems, one free and happy, it's often to the perish of the other. Unless China can keep their population happy and ideally happier than the west and rest of free world, then they feel troubled. The riots in Paris and also the protests in the US shocked them. If it can happen in countries where they're on average happier, what will happen when the economic down turn sets in?

Will invading Taiwan help or make things worse? Does China still play their North Korea game in which they armed a strong man (Kim Jong Un) trying to nuke the US? Is NATO ready?

Who will make the first move is anyone's guess. I can tell you for sure the US and NATO will not backed down if pushed. Numbers are far on their side. Economically. Militarily still. By experience. Many many more allies the expand beyond NATO, like Japan, Australia etc ..India would come to help. Vietnam. China can do what it wants, there's no way they can win this, especially as the downturn over there will come, and hard. If Taiwan wants to remain free, let them. It's their choice. Offer your own people a better vision and they may want to join you. .but right now you are craaazyy China, you scary haha

Bob Huntley said...


Your posts suggest you are really down on democrats. Do you hate them?