Thursday, January 3, 2019

Is Jim Webb President Trump's Choice To Be The Next U.S. Secretary of Defense

Politico: Jim Webb emerges as candidate for Defense secretary

Jim Webb, the iconoclastic former Democratic senator from Virginia who served as Ronald Reagan's secretary of the Navy, is under consideration for Defense secretary, according to an administration official with knowledge of the process.

Webb would be an eye-opening choice as a member of the opposing party who briefly ran for president in 2015.

But his views on foreign policy and military affairs align with President Donald Trump in key respects. For example, he ran for the Senate in 2006 on a platform to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, even campaigning while wearing his Marine son's combat boots.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He predicted that Iraq would be a disaster in 2003 if the U.S. was to invade. He is a hawk when it comes to China. His nomination will pass the Senate. I can understand why President Trump would be interested in him. But I am also sure there are others that President Trump is now screening.

More News On Reports That Jim Webb Is President Trump's Choice To Be The Next U.S. Secretary of Defense

White House Mulls Jim Webb, Ex-Democratic Senator, as Next Defense Secretary -- The New York Times
New York Times: Democrat Jim Webb being floated for defense secretary -- CNN
White House considering Jim Webb as Mattis replacement: report -- The Hill
Dem for Defense?: Gen. Keane Says WH Considering Former VA Sen. Jim Webb to Replace Mattis -- FOX News
Trump Mulls Nominating 'China Hawk' James Webb as Pentagon Chief - Reports -- Sputnik
Will James Webb Be the Next Secretary of Defense? -- James Fallows, The Atlantic
Former Democratic Senator Could Replace Mattis As Defense Secretary, Says Report -- Daily Caller
Secretary of Defense Jim Webb? -- Curt Mills, American Conservative


Anonymous said...

"He predicted that Iraq would be a disaster in 2003 if the U.S. was to invade.."

So did millions of other people with functioning brains. I'm sure Trump will only pick the best people. Top notch.

Gadfly Speck said...

I liked the guy back in the Reagan days.

Anonymous said...

Haha leftie outrage. Let's just go back to Obama 's pivot to Asia. I was in Asia when it happend. Years of nothingness conbined with gutting the military sent just the right message to China and all Asian potential allies of ours: that we had no clue. It emboldened China and brought us the massive militarisation of the south China Sea. That's just one of the massive failings of Obama's foreign policy disaster. And I voted for him not once, but twice. Have the guts to move on you fool

Anonymous said...

Or remember Obama's red line debacle? This brought us the emboldment of Syria and Russia, a prolonging of the war and likely thousands of deaths that could have been avoided. You know, the chemical death that was Obama's "red line". Such leadership from behind. Remember that? Back then I ate it up. What a loser.

Or remember how Obama managed to even piss of the Israelis, who are basically our most solid partner in the middle east? Netanjhu went out of his way to show US senators how lousy Obama and the Iran deal was. Remember when he didn't even want to talk to Obama anymore? Such leadership, such genious foreign policy.
Or remember how he had the open mic incident with Putin "I can do more for you after elections"? Or when Putin called him a child in return, and Obama did nothing? Such counter puncher, such strong man, people feared him.. except they didn't and this is what we have to clean up now.
On top North Korea.. Obama did nothing on that either..

so he f*ed up the pivot to Asia -- OH and under him ISIS rose to power and beheaded thousands of people, often broadcasted around the world. Oh I do miss those videos.. don't you? Failure, failure, failure and you keep on defending him.
WHY? I voted for him TWICE and I do regret it a lot. Under him the states went downhill (yes he saved some of the auto industry and much wasn't his fault economically, BUT the recovery was terrible indeed and he deserves criticism for that as well, it's only fair). So I wonder, and truly want to know: What did Obama accomplish? He may have his heart at the right place, and I do still like him (although he is now a complete politician, maybe always was and I was too dumb to see it.. I was blinded perhaps.. but now I really want to know: what did he accomplish? Foreign policy was a complete utter failing, like 95% failing. Except when seal team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, I loved it. That was indeed epic. But on the macro scale? CHina? Iran? Syria? North Korea? Russia? ALL FAILS D+ if you are nice

Anonymous said...

Obama's Red Lines

Anonymous said...

Obama Red line on Chem Weps

Anonymous said...

“And what the President was doing, as he expressed from his heart, is to respond to the tragedy and the heeneousness of gassing children and using chemical weapons that went beyond the international convention of using chemical weapons.”

Sheila Jackson Lee, September 10, 2013 <<< Dumbercrat

Anonymous said...

obama so yesterday but trumpanistas unable to find anything good to say about Putin Puppet dwell on the past, loving to dump hate, spite, and venom, all signs of Deplorables

Anonymous said...

My car needs new battery! Obama's fault!

Anonymous said...

"My car needs new battery! Obama's fault!" Actually, it is to hear a Democrat talk about it

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!

Remember Democrats will put a halter on you to pay for their freebeees, so that they can get elected, so that they can take their sons with them on government jets to China to make billions.

"Thanks Dada!" - Hunter Biden

Anonymous said...

"loving to dump hate, spite, and venom, all signs of Deplorables" <<< Panting

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL, panting sure has your number!

AZuLike said...


Anonymous said...

he pants while pulling his undersize dick

Anonymous said...

Oooh what a come back. Lapides himself would proud.

Anonymous said...

Posted byu/branstarktreewizard
11 hours ago
US national debt has increased $2 trillion since Donald Trump took office, new data shows

Anonymous said...

Trump considering declaring national emergency in an effort to secure wall funding

Anonymous said...

Trump threatened to keep the government closed for 'months or even years' in meeting with top Democrats

President Donald Trump on Friday said he told Democrats earlier in the day that he would keep the government partially closed for years, or as long as it takes to get funding for his proposed border wall.
In comments delivered from the White House Rose Garden, Trump painted a different picture from Democrats about a two-hour meeting that took place between the president and top Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s lawyers use government shutdown as an excuse to delay emoluments lawsuit: Lawyers defending Trump in the Justice Department have invoked the shutdown in asking a federal appeals court “to postpone indefinitely all further filings” Politico reports

— EssenViews/Commentary (@essenviews) December 26, 2018

Anonymous said...

Sir Spamalot wants illegal aliens no matter what the cost.

Some of us are for legal immigration. There is a major difference.

"Authorities Say Man Accused of Killing Officer During Traffic Stop Is Undocumented Immigrant"

Sir Spamalot is crying real tears for the shooter and has nothing but contempt for the minority law enforcement officer. The LEO would have been more likely to vote Republican than the illegal. So of course Sir Spamalot hates him.

This fight is not about immigration. This fight is about the Democrats taking total control and making America a 1 party state. Sir Spamalot expects to benefit since he has always been a loyal apparatchik.

Anonymous said...

It's a little parrot .you can tell by the mindless leftie spamming..I think their thought pattern is this:
1. Republicans=evil & stupid
2. Therfore, the more I convert to seeing the truth, the better I am
3. In the morning after the first bio coffee and kale: oh look msnc/cnn/whatever posts X. My side is always right, let's quickly repost 100 times over and I'll get to heaven

Or something along those lines. They're mentally ill and don't see their flaws. They just keep on doing it. The most outrageous and racist and sexist things and then they call us the deplorables. WE are the racists, the label pushers. WE are the ones forming mobs. WE are the ones calling for an end to civility until we're back in power.
Oh no, it's THEM

All the freaking time. Even the slaves were mostly owned by them. Then they rebranded themselves and are now pretending to be the good-doers. The righteous ones. The infallibles
