Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Is Russia About To Re-Open It's Military And Intelligence Sites On Cuba?

The Russian radar station in Lourdes is about 12 miles south of Havana, Cuba.

Express: WW3: Vladimir Putin ‘to re-open’ Soviet military bases in CUBA sparking Cold War 2 fears

VLADIMIR Putin is set to reactivate Soviet-era military intelligence bases in Cuba, almost 60 years after Fidel Castro and his band of revolutionaries seized power from the US-backed Fulgencio Batista on December 31, 1959.

In the darkest days of the Cold War, Cuba was at the centre of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, with the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis bringing the world closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before. Ever since, Cuba’s relationship with the US has been frosty at best and the legacy of the island’s close diplomatic ties with Moscow remains strong to this day. Now, the island’s bond with the Kremlin is as strong as ever and current Russian supremo Vladimir Putin appears hell-bent on strengthening it further.

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WNU Editor: Talk of Russia re-opening its military sites on Cuba have been making the news for the past few years. First in 2014 .... Russia to eavesdrop on U.S. from Cuba, paper reports (CNN), and a few months ago .... Moscow Set to Re-Activate Cuban Base It Closed in 2002 and Perhaps Open New Ones (Eurasia Daily Monitor). But what we do know is that Russian spy ships do use Cuba as a port of call .... Russian Spy Ship Makes A Surprise Visit To Cuba (February 28, 2014), and there is now speculation that Russia may have a base in Venezuela .... A Russian Military Base In Venezuela? (December 15, 2018). What is my take? Russia is not going to re-open these Cuban sites. It would cost an enormous amount of money to re-open them, and the signal intelligence that they would get will probably not be worth the cost. As for a Russian military base on Venezuela .... that is probably more real. Venezuela owes Russia billions, and this is one small way that Moscow can get its money back.


Anonymous said...

Russian tower block collapse was a TERROR ATTACK, officials fear, as special services kill three 'terrorists' in gun battle overnight following a car explosion in the city

Anonymous said...

The Monroe Doctrine!

Anonymous said...

I would if i was russian president(now I am Swedish) because it would get great bargaining power against the US in the ongoing struggle.

Anonymous said...

Put missiles and a spy post in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

this man is lost and a fool