Monday, January 21, 2019

ISIS Suicide Bomber Attacks Kurdish-US Convoy In Syria

Reuters: Suicide bomber rams U.S.-backed forces at Syria checkpoint

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A suicide bomber drove his car into a checkpoint in northeastern Syria on Monday, injuring several soldiers of Kurdish-led forces during a joint convoy with U.S. allies, locals said.

The attack happened on the western edge of Shadadi town in Hasaka province near a route frequented by the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State, residents and sources said.

In a tweet, the coalition said a convoy with allied Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) was involved in an attack, but there were no American casualties.

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WNU Editor: It looks like someone is telling the Islamic State on who and where to attack.

More News On Today's ISIS Suicide Bomber Attack On A Kurdish-US Convoy In Syria

Islamic State group targets US convoy in northeast Syria -- AP
Suicide attack on Kurdish-US convoy in Syria 'kills 5' -- AFP
Suicide car bomb in northern Syria leaves five SDF forces dead in latest attack -- The Telegraph
Syria attack: Second Isis suicide bombing in days hits US convoy -- The Independent
Attack on US-SDF convoy in Syria’s northeastern province kills five: Reports -- Hurriyet Daily News
Anti-ISIS coalition convoy attacked in Syria -- RUDAW
Bomb attack on Kurdish-US convoy in Syria reportedly kills 5 -- RT


Unknown said...

Turkey is that you?

Anonymous said...

Turkey, Iran, Russia or a combination. This is a reminder to the USA, 2000 US troops isn’t enough to secure 1/3 of Syria but is enough to pick off a few here or there. Trump was right in December and still is.

Anonymous said...

Russia doesn't want the U.S to leave, why would they? U.S is doing their job for them, while they get to keep their bases. Turkey however, dislikes the Kurds. That's why I lay the blame on them. Iran could but, they are very busy in Yemen / Syria. Attack on U.S troops is not in their current interests.

Anonymous said...

right to leave? or right to say we leave but not fully leave?
Trump is always right except when he is wrong

Anonymous said...

2000 US troops isn’t enough to secure 1/3 of Syria is enough to keep ISIS furtively scurrying in dark alleys and wielding a small fraction of the power that they had in 2014.

It is a tenuous position for ISIS. They are subject to checkpoint drones and ambushes if they move. If they stay pat, they are subject to cordon operations. It is why we are catching people coming home to Europe and Canada after murdering people in Syria. It isn't fun anymore for them . They are getting more crap than they dish out. So they are not getting their second and 3rd generation recruits from Europe any more.

Anonymous said...

Soon they will be down to one leader and one follower
what then will be our policy?

Anonymous said...

That is a somewhat valid point. They are not going to wipe out the Kurds or the Sunni Arab Muslims.

They could however make a noticeable change in the demographics.