Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Kurd-Led Forces Have Overrun The Last ISIS-Held Village In Syria

AFP: Kurd-led forces overrun last IS-held village in Syria: monitor

Kurdish-led fighters overran the last village held by the Islamic State group in Syria on Wednesday, confining its once vast cross-border "caliphate" to two small hamlets, a war monitor said.

It is the culmination of a broad offensive launched by the Syrian Democratic Forces last September with US-led coalition support in which they have reduced the jihadists' last enclave on the north bank of the Euphrates valley near the Iraqi border to a tiny rump.

The capture of the village of Baghouz leaves the few remaining diehard IS fighters holed up in scattered farmhouses among the irrigated fields and orchards on the north bank of the Euphrates River.

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Update #1: US coalition forces overrun last ISIS village in Syria (The National)
Update #2: US-backed SDF forces close to victory in last ISIS-held pocket: Monitoring group (Kurdistan 24)

WNU editor: So it ends not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Anonymous said...

So the war against ISIS is over as far as taking Syrian territory from them.
ISIS cells are all over Africa, Europe, Middle East and parts of Asia. The US should end its active combat work in Syria, let Assad, Putin and Iran figure it out, if they can. The US has work to do elsewhere.

Mike Feldhake said...

Unfortunately, it's very hard to kill an idea and I'll bet ISIS will be around for a long period of time. This is typical of these intifada'a.