Saturday, January 5, 2019

Latin American Nations Will Not Recognize The New Maduro Government In Venezuela

DW: Venezuela: Lima Group refuse to recognize Maduro mandate

Latin American governments have urged Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, not to take the oath of office. The Lima bloc have said they will not recognize his new term because last year's election was "illegitimate."

The Lima Group of Latin American countries on Friday urged Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to abstain from being sworn in for a second term he won in elections widely condemned as illegitimate, and cede power until new elections can be held.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Venezuela has its supporters .... Mexico urges regional bloc not to meddle in Venezuela (Reuters)

More News On The Lima Group Refusing To Recognize The Maduro Government In Venezuela

The Latest: Diplomats urge Venezuela's Maduro to cede power -- FOX News/AP
Latin American countries say will not recognise Maduro's new term -- France 24
Foreign diplomats urge Venezuela's Maduro to hand over power -- AP
Envoys Denounce Venezuela’s Maduro and Urge Him to Cede Power -- The New York Times
Latin American Nations Call for New Elections in Venezuela -- Bloomberg
Lima Group won't recognise new Maduro government in Venezuela -- Al Jazeera
Foreign powers weigh diplomatic moves on Venezuela's crisis -- FOX News/AP


Anonymous said...

Nations have to do certain things to be considered legitimate.

So if they do other things like sham elections or coups should they not automatically be considered illegitimate?

The Boston Brahmins of the 19th century, who were voraciously, abolitionist paid dearly in blood and decided that maybe you did not always have to fight evil head on. Maybe you could use something like the Sullivan principles or a trade embargo.

Anonymous said...

Do nations have to obey international law to be considered legitimate? Do they have to refrain from meddling in the internal affairs of other nations? Do they have to be "exceptional"?

Anonymous said...

The UN can make international law all day long such as passing a law to 'Kill all Jews'. Just because a group of nations get together and pass international law does not mean that it is legitimate.

The UN like any other deliberative body can be corrupted. The UN was corrupt from the start. It was formed with corrupt governments like th USSR.

You meant the US although you were trying to be sly and insinuate your argument in the cheap. The USSR was formed and they said that they were going to take over the world. The US promptly meddled in their affairs. I make no apologies for that. Moral of the story is sometimes it is right for one state to 'meddle' in the affairs of another state.

Now be a good sock puppet and repeat that "Russia, China and other countries have never meddled in other countries' affairs."

Now about exceptional. You have not been listening. You have been drowning in propaganda. Drowning is the wrong word. You are like those things in "The Chronicles of Riddick." Americans have noticed that people from any other continent who would never be middle or upper class in their home country do quite well in America. It is they set of morals, values and laws that we have that set us apart. It is not that we are genetically superior. It is things like Freedom of the Press. Britain does not have it. they have something close but not quite what we have. Freedom of the press is more than a law. It is a value. You can put words on paper, a law, but you have to practice it. So we have Freedom of the Press and that helps us with things like transparency and corruption. It is not that we do not have any corruption but we have less than other places. We have less although that might be changing.

Anyway you were so funny sniping. Maybe we'll play again.

Anonymous said...

Don't get high on your own supply.

Anonymous said...

as or sniping.

Obviously I'm om the mark. The howls scream bulls eye. And watching you bleed like a bitch is of no small satisfaction.

If you can't take the flak, stay out of other people's airspace.

You aren't exceptional.

You aren't any better than anyone else.


Anonymous said...

You are the one that can't take it. You feel the need. The need to defend a totalitarian regime. How sad.

Anonymous said...

The People vs. Donald J. Trump

He is demonstrably unfit for office. What are we waiting for?
David Leonhardt

By David Leonhardt

Anonymous said...

Oh go get stuffed. "Totalitarian". Right.

Like they're so totalitarian that the people are just allowed to leave.

They're a mess. If they were any more of a mess I'd think you people are running them.

You are really into the suppositions.

Just because I tell you you're out to lunch sniping at another country or government while that of your own is less than stellar, doesnt mean I defend a "totalitarian" -or whatever rote silly adjective you got off out the the exceptionalist playbook- government.

You have 40 million plus living in poverty.

Your mortality rates are moving in the absolute wrong direction.

Your infrastructure is a f'n disaster but yet 53% of discretionary spending is on the largest welfare program in world history that still can't manage to win a war. Let alone cow your rivals who gain ever more ground.

Every country you touch turns to shit. Honduras - shit. Iraq - shit. Libya - shit. Former Yugoslavia - shit. Every regime you support is made up of the most backward, stupid, corrupt and contemptable element of the host country's society.

All day long you blab on about how you're so awesome and everyone wants to come live with you.

That's because (more and more) of the countries they are leaving are SHIT because of you and your asshole supremacist, "exceptional" vasal "allies".

No one with a modicum of knowlege about the world is interested in hearing you jerl yourself off about how awesome you are while Venezuela, Cuba or whatever is a communist fascist this or that.

You suck too.

You suck worse because you have the means to do better but refuse to out of self absorbtion and some ridiculous, completely false, notion of meritocracy.

You lie, cheat, steal, connive, corrupt, use and abuse just as much or more than anyone else.

If you don't like hearing about it, stop shitting on others

You're country is no f'n better.

Neither is mine. Difference is, I don't get all butthurt when someone calls me/us out about it.

Anonymous said...

You treat your elderly, infirm and vets like shit. You take whatever you can from the most vurnerable and give it to the least in need. Any time there's a chance day to day working folks can get just a lick of help, you're there to "fast track" them out of it all the while croaking about how awesome it is to me a 'Murkin. It's nauseating.

You can't stand to see anyone else get anywhere, or have anything. If they do it's because they "stole" it from you.

Right now you are hating on China. Not because you find repression or mass death abhorrent. That shit doesn't bother you at all. Jesus, you would be sitting on top of the shit pile if not for that.


You hate them for raising 700 million out of poverty in less than four decades.

You hate them for Chang' e.

That's YOUR Moon! How DARE they!!

You hate them for the positive things. Lay awake at night figuring how to undermine, "snipe", cat call, sabotage them!!


More and morw people are just plain sick and tired of you calling others names that are better applied to yourself.

I don't care what you say about me anymore than I care for the bark of a mangy, sickly dog that I know is on its way out anyway.

And good f'n riddance.

Anonymous said...

And why the fuck would I say Russia or China don't interefere or whatever? If I don't like one empire (yours) why the Hell would I like THREE???! I just think it's funny to watch someone else eat what you have come to think is your lunch.

I sniped at you. So f-n what? Why don't you come over here and make me stop?

You can't.

Why? because you are a broke ass, bus ass, bitch who can't even get it together enough to build some piddly ass wall let alone cross a border and fight me. Your punk ass can't even keep a f-n shit house clean in a Yosemite.

You suck that bad.

You make China look good.

You know, your f'n around is costing a lot of people money. All those years you shoved free open markets this, and competition that down everyone else's throats at gun point - to turn around now and get all protectionist. But that's you. Run a racket and play the victim when it blows up in your face. True to f'n form.

Like a dog that finds a 50 pound bag of food left out, you'd eat yourself to death.

Now everyone who was too dumb, too cowardly, or both has to deal with your 'exceptionalist' bullshit once again. We all have to listen to how hard donr by you are. How you've done so much for us.

Fuck. All you do is bully, bitch and fuck things up.


Now we're all going to be just as f'd up, stupid and bankrupt as you are because our "leaders" are punk asses too who don't have the nads to tell you to fuck off.

China does though.

And I don't have to like them to state the bald fact.

Anonymous said...

You have 40 million plus living in poverty.

Your mortality rates are moving in the absolute wrong direction.

Your infrastructure is a f'n disaster but


So you are an interloper.

I drive the roads. they are fine.

So many people in poverty supposedly. So many fat people. Must be proof they are starving LOL. We have 36 million illegals. by some counts. That would account for the poverty,.

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Anonymous said...


You are retarded. The food is garbage and it's cheaper to eat shitty than healthy.

Just like most of what passes for "culture".

By the way, thanks again for fucking things up so badly that we have a new map of the world.

Anonymous said...

See that little sphincter looking thing kinda where Alaska used to be on the old map?

That's your country.

"Fine" roads and all.

Anonymous said...

So Anon 6:15 PM what country are you from?

Or are you still sniping form the bushes with your pee shooter?