Thursday, January 3, 2019

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 3, 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump (L) listens next to Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan during a Cabinet meeting on day 12 of the partial U.S. government shutdown at the White House in Washington, U.S., January 2, 2019. REUTERS/Jim Young

Reuters: For Shanahan, a very public debut in Trump's cabinet

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Patrick Shanahan was thrust into the spotlight during his debut as acting U.S. defense secretary on Wednesday, sitting next to President Donald Trump as he publicly disparaged Shanahan’s predecessor, lampooned the war in Afghanistan and called Syria a land of “sand” and “death.”

The former deputy defense secretary officially took office during the New Year’s holiday on Tuesday, issuing a statement saying that he looked “forward to working with President Trump to carry out his vision.”

Trump’s vision for the second half of his four-year term in office came into view on Wednesday as he spoke exhaustively during a cabinet meeting about America’s wars, and his displeasure with them. Shanahan, a former Boeing executive, sat silently at Trump’s side, often expressionless, as television cameras rolled.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 3, 2019

New Acting Defense Secretary Shanahan Calls China His Top Priority --

Trump calls it 'insane' to publicly release military watchdog reports -- The Hill

Acting defense secretary recuses himself from anything having to do with Boeing, which is a lot of things -- The Week

Pentagon's top financial officer to take over No. 2 post at department -- The Hill

Pentagon comptroller to serve as acting deputy defense secretary -- Defense News

White House considering Jim Webb as Mattis replacement: report -- The Hill

U.S. Military May Be Targeted by Its Own Missiles in Middle East -- Newsweek

US Withdrawal Plan from Afghanistan Won't Include SOF Strike Units --

US to Keep Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan - Reports -- Sputnik

Top U.S. commander in Afghanistan sees peace opportunity in 2019 -- Reuters

Raytheon tapped for configuration work on Super Hornets, Growlers -- UPI

How the Military Is Making Sure the F-35 Can Fight the Wars of the Future -- National Interest

The U.S. Military Eyes 'Bigger, Badder, Faster' Helicopter to Replace the Mighty Blackhawk -- Maxim

US Air Force’s ‘base in a box’ plan hampered by lack of management -- Defense News

New in 2019: Growing the force — the road to 386 squadrons -- Air Force Times

Navy gives go-ahead for block buy of two Ford-class aircraft carriers -- UPI

New in 2019: From tanks to Strykers, major brigade combat team conversions are coming this year -- Army Times

New in 2019: The Army and Marines will test-fire next-gen weapon prototypes this summer -- Military Times

Two in Three US Military Women Say They Have Been Sexually Assaulted or Harassed -- Daily Beast

Majority of women in US military say they have been sexually harassed or assaulted in service -- The Independent

Former CIA officer indicted for Chinese spying had accomplice -- NBC

Quality over quantity: U.S. military strategy and spending in the Trump years -- James N. Miller and Michael E. O’Hanlon, Brookings

Special Breed: Handling a Military Working Dog -- US Department of Defense

US Aims to Expand Military Partnerships in South America -- DoD Buzz

US Delegation Offers Turkey Patriot Air Defence Systems Deal - Reports -- Sputnik

Germany picks up two thorny defense and diplomacy assignments in 2019 -- Defence News

South Korea, Japan spar over maritime aircraft incident -- UPI

Japan to step up research on high-output military laser -- Japan Times

Mexico looks to recruit 50,000 to National Guard -- AP

British army calling on 'snowflakes,' 'binge gamers' to join -- UPI


Anonymous said...

More Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Anonymous said...

More coal plants shut down in Trump’s first two years than in Obama’s entire first term
The administration's own data reveal coal isn't coming back.

Anonymous said...

Gas is cheaper. It is economics. It is the economics of fracking.

Now if that tard Obama had is way there would be no coal plants and no fracking.

Coal will make a big comeback when gas plays out. In the mean time fossil fuel will keep light and computer on so you can troll like dumb___!

Now here is a question for you. Why cannot Germany replicate Denmark's electrical grid? The technology has been invented and yet the tech can't do in Germany what was done in Denmark. The Green trash, who are mathematically incompetent, cannot fix that. They were losing sleight of hand.

Why can't Mother Merkel, who certainly wants to replicate Denmark's renewable percentage, do so in Germany?

Anonymous said...

Undocumented Worker Says Trump Resort Shielded Her From Secret Service

Anonymous said...

The shutdown is good. Less than 25% of the government will be shut down. People on welfare will still get their checks.

The only thing holding up the budget is 5 billion dollars. The Democrats are playing smash mouth. They will spend new money for new projects such giving aways another 10 billion to other countries, but they will not fund the wall.

It is their fault.

Anonymous said...

foreign aid is a separate category. learn how the govt operates

‘We gave more than enough sacrifices’: Afghans blast Trump’s praise of the Soviet invasion

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How is foreign aid a separate category?

Anonymous said...

Trump is exactly what the USA needs. Not perfect by any means, but not part of the corrupt Washington swamp which has been sucking the blood of US workers for years. Trump is fighting against the Deep State, the Democrats (little better than communists), the Chinese communists with their aspirations of world dominance, the media lapdogs, the New World Order powers, and the pretend Republicans like Romney who will roll over for the Democrats any time. My fear is our President will say "enough" and not run for a 2nd term, which would be understandable, considering the foul abuse hurled at him from all sides.

Anonymous said...

"foreign aid is a separate category. learn how the govt operates"

Different pot of money and?

Congress controls all pots of money and can decrease one to plus another one up.

Everyone else goes to jail, if they take from one pot of money and put it into another. Except for Congress.

Try again. Come up with a better excuse!

Anonymous said...


I believe you right. I believe his significant other wife gave him back his computer privileges.

Anonymous said...

utter nonsense
trump is the swamp
20 investigations going on
what constitutes the deep state? and yes, no one went to the moon and aliens embed chips in our butts
the chinese are aspiring to cominate as we have since WWII
He wont run for a number of reasons but not for what you suggest
why do you insult the Dems and call them commies when both parties get money from big biz, corporations, sum: bullshit from hou
Trump has done nothing and proposed nothing to close the wage gap and has no health plan and has no infrastructure plan and closed down the govt and says he owns that

Anonymous said...

Transfer of money

Then there is the fact that Congress does not have to increase an agency's budget, but can decrease it. They could thus lower borrowing, refund the money to tax payers, or spend the money on another budget item.

The 10 billion that the incoming congress wants to give to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala is n increase in spending by Congress to tell the American people "Fuck you, we do not care about the wall."

Anonymous said...

cominate? <<< Are you off you meds again?

I will talk about Democrats. They hold more political power. The MSM is an arm of the Democrat party. Most of eduction is Leftist. Ipso facto the Democraps have more power.

Democrats have more graft and corruption. Ia m not saying many Republicans are not blameless, but since Democraps are the biggest problem, I will start there and stay there until they are not the biggest problem.

Really, Hunter Biden gets a plane ride to China with his daddy to do business with the Chicoms?

And you give him a pass. Tell us us everything we need to know about you.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

If that was true, wouldn’t it be so much easier giving the worker citizenship than the impossible task of keeping he/she a secret from the secret service. You need to give yourself a big slap on the face

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

That was meant to be in reply of anon 5:50