Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 30, 2019

FBI Director Christopher Wray; CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats arrive with other U.S. intelligence community officials to testify before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on "worldwide threats" on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 29, 2019. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Reuters: U.S. spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to U.S.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China and Russia pose the biggest risks to the United States and are more aligned than they have been in decades, U.S. intelligence leaders told senators on Tuesday, in testimony that repeatedly contradicted President Donald Trump’s statements on global threats.

While Beijing and Moscow seek to expand their global reach, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said, some American allies are pulling away from Washington in reaction to changing U.S. policies on security and trade.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 30, 2019

Spy chief says Russia will attempt to interfere in 2020, contradicts Trump on North Korea's denuclearization, ISIS defeat -- FOX News

U.S. intelligence chief breaks with Trump on North Korea, Iran, ISIS -- Politico

Key intel assessments appear to be at odds with U.S. policy -- CBS

Top U.S. intelligence official warns of danger from 'no-deal' Brexit -- Reuters

Dems reintroduce bill to prevent nuclear first strike without congressional approval -- The Hill

Pentagon quiet on Venezuela options -- Military Times

Pentagon to send a 'few thousand' more troops to southern border -- The Hill

Launch-and-Landing Failures Add to $13 Billion Ship’s Troubles -- Bloomberg

Why the Abraham Lincoln is waging a (virtual) war at sea -- Navy Times

Marine Corps distributing 1,300 new night vision devices at bases -- UPI

Marine Corps' CH-53K King Stallion Sucking up More Money & Time -- Bloomberg

Lockheed Martin Defends Troubled F-35 After Acting Pentagon Chief's Criticism -- Sputnik

Lockheed CEO: Boeing’s F-15X won’t disrupt F-35 program -- Defense News

Lockheed: F-35A Cost To Drop Below $80 Million Per Fighter In 2023 -- USNI News

Honeywell awarded $85.7M for C-5 software, hardware support -- UPI

After a rough 2018, Army recruiting is trying to turn around both its strategies and its notorious culture -- Army Times

A look inside the work, future of Jim Mattis' task force focused on infantry, close combat -- Military Times

Will Space Force Boost Already-Rising Spending on Satellites? -- Marcus Weisgerber, Defense One

Shanahan has identified top pick to lead Space Command -- Defense News

US will boost security ties with Taiwan, says ‘ambassador’ as he warns mainland China to stop strong-arm tactics -- SCMP

US naval chief: American and Chinese navies in talks to cut risk of South China Sea miscalculation -- SCMP

US accuses Russia, China of lack of transparency on nuclear programmes -- SCMP

US Spy Plane Conducts Reconnaissance Close to Syrian Border, Russian Bases -- Sputnik

US Development of New Warhead Increases Risk of Nuclear War - Lavrov -- Sputnik

NATO-member Denmark to hike military spending to 1.5 percent of GDP -- Reuters

'Under Pressure': Trump Twists Copenhagen's Arm to Up Defence Spending -- Sputnik

Retired South Korean generals: Our country is in 'crisis' -- UPI

Report: U.S., South Korea agreed on 'early settlement' of troop costs -- UPI

Japan approved for $2.15B buy of Aegis Ashore missile defense systems -- UPI

Israeli Air Force starts training German Heron TP drone pilots -- Defense News

IRGC General Vows to Defend Disputed Islands in the Gulf, Slams US Presence -- Sputnik

Iran shows off new weapons to mark anniversary of Islamic Revolution -- UPI

American military superiority will fade without bold national action -- Kelly Ayotte and Bradley Bowman, The Hill

US would be crippled by an EMP attack, which we pioneered nearly 60 years ago -- Morgan Wright, The Hill


Anonymous said...

So they disagree? Its not like our intelligence services are infallible. They make many errors, some quite consequential in the case of China and Russia.
I know Trump sees those two as are most dangerous adversaries. Don't forget Obama never publicly called China an adversary, he saw them as partners. A delusion peddled by he and his intelligence chiefs.
Iran, ISIS and Syria are receding issues for the US as it gears up to the China and Russia challenge. They are side shows.

As for our allies moving away, that isn't new. Those that expect the USA to defend them while not defending themselves are hardly allies. They are parasites.

Anonymous said...

I find it rather disconcerting that while the rhetoric changes from this country to that country. No one ever evaluations multinational organizations as large security threats. Many people say stories are based on a silver of truth, which is embellished and emphasized to grasp the attention of an audience so when speculation centers around organizations pushing for a "New World Order" or "Lizard people" its hard to dismiss it entirely. Over the last few years i have seen increasing evidence of just how the Global Green Party has influenced events around the world, how their Charter is unilaterally getting implemented in my own country with as little as 5-6% support for their party. How diversity and equality which are cornerstones in their charter are getting implemented globally in all realms of power from Prime ministers to Heads of Intelligence. What i find the most disconcerting is the lack of clear evidence of an increase in effectiveness, infact many of my countries own failures seem to be centered around the implementation of these policies which are weakening and opening us up to exploitation and corruption.

Anonymous said...

China a few years ago was not the China China now up

fred said...

U.S. Far Right Figures Flew to Russia to Party with Oligarchs and Fascists

Anonymous said...

"shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014."

Wait what?

Russia invaded and Obama grabbed his ankles? He did say he would get flexible after 2012.


The site is a loon site.

"Report: Men Yelled, “This Is MAGA Country” While Assaulting Empire Star Jussie Smollett in Possibly Racially Motivated Attack"

Really? That is believable? It is not. In the middle of a Democrat stronghold at 3 AM of a bitterly cold below zero morning some Trump supporters were cruising for some minorities?


Police: No footage yet of alleged attack on 'Empire' actor

Good God man, how do you read the NYT? Do you skim the paper looking for the most salacious, opinionated articles and confine your reading to that? Seriously, how many brain cells do you have left?

"Can 30,000 Cameras Help Solve Chicago's Crime Problem?" - New York Times

CPD Surveillance Videos | Chicago Police Department

Two pro tips since you need more than 1. You actually need a lot more than that.

(1) Most many major cities have surveillance cameras. It has been a topic of discussion for 2 decades. Did you miss that?
(a) If a police camera does not cover an area there is a chance that a business's camera
(b) If a area is not covered than perhaps ingress and egress routes are covered so that you can get description of suspects or vehicles.

(2) Jussie Smollett is gay. Smart money is that he got roughed up on a Grindr date or that he is making it up for publicity and sympathy.

(3) Extra pro tip. There has been a lot of violence directed at gays by other gays. White gays attack black gays. Non gay Democrat voters attack all the gays. There is a area of town called Boystown for some strange, odd reason. It is a reliable Democrat voting precinct. There has been trouble there since 20111 and before. For some inexplicable reason super duper Democrat extraordinaire Rahm Emmanuel cannot or will not stop the attacks. He cannot do a lot of things and being at the end of his rope he is quiting to avoid humiliating defeat at the polls. Some 'new' Democrat will carry one the same basic Democrat policies and fool the Democrat voters again for 1 to 3 terms.

"McCool grew up on the south side and in the south suburbs—he lives in Richton Park now. He says that when he and his friends travel to Boys Town, they "come in numbers." He said they've been harassed—one man called him "the n-word" while a nearby police officer did nothing"

Here Fred, you can be a model citizen and catch those evil MAGA guys beating down Jussie Smolletts. There is a web site link below were you can Inspector Clouseau to your heart's content. Or you might find Jussie with his date ion the down low.

You know by reading the Hill you are feeding your brain crap. You are what you eat.

Anonymous said...

Less than 20% of people in Chicago are Republican. Factor in the younger people vote more Democrat until they wise up.

The area of the attack is The L. It is just crazy heavy with cameras. The odds just are not high that it was Republicans, which is a good thing. 2AM at night and the temperature is 13 degrees Fahrenheit without the wind chill.

So who is out at a time like that? You do not want to be on the trains after 10 PM.

Story is not going away.

fred said...

cities are usually run by Dems. states, by GOP. You want to blame what happens in cities on Dems and ignore state govt...who runs nation? for two years GOP...who anti-gun laws? GOP mostly
all the BSyou pile up here is to deflect from the failure of the putin butt boy, aka orange baboon
where are the brains and where the wealth? The cities you dismiss as

Dem without Chicago, DC, NY, LA, Austin etc etc
stop being such dimwitted low IQ Deplorable. I know arguments do not get to you, but do note all you can do is toss in girly boy snippiness, stupid shit that dips into the past and ignores the huge failure of Orange Baboon...don['t believe me? just look at his numbers!!
and your resonse: polls do not count. tell that then to those who run the GOP or look what took place in mid terms

Anonymous said...

The state is run by Democrats. Chicago is deep Blue; I provided the proof. It is possible but statistical improbable that 2 white Republicans attacked this guy.

Lying Democrat, who is functionally, scientifically illiterate, did not know and still does not know that household bleach freezes at 18 or 19 degrees Fahrenheit. It was -9 in Chicago that night.

A person does not sit in the bitter (-9 degree Fahrenheit) cold for 45 minutes while a caustic or acidic substance eats away at the skin. At 45 minutes in -9 degree cold, he should have had frostbite. His story does not add up. But it doesn't matter. Democrats have been told by other Democrats to round up 2 white guys and lynch them.

Why be in Syria when there is a war at home?

People are just frosted at the fucking lying by Democrats. Afraid that your career may cool or fade. Claim some Republicans attacked you and watch the whole hit parade of Hollywood back you up.

I went to Chicago, once, 20 years ago. The advice was not to be there after 10 PM. It has not gotten any better from news reports. So this guy is out there 4 hours after 10 PM? It is a Democrat city, period.

- The leading theories are that it was a Grindr gone bad.
- He was attacked by white gays.
- He hit himself and then called the cops.

They are calling in the FBI and national civil rights leaders are jumping on the bandwagon. It is political/campaign season and Democrats, loathsome sick shits, will use this to berate, pummel and subdue Republican candidates and voters. All for a hoax.

But it doesn't matter because it is for a 'good' cause.

People are very, very angry at Democrats over this incident. They know Democrats will judge them guilty, pass new onerous laws, and keep passing new onerous laws for admissions and hiring whereby they impoverish people who are not Democrats while enriching them,selves. You should have seen the we traffic. People know the Modus operandi of the liars. They know what is coming.

I know you are statistically innumerate and scientifically illiterate so this does not make any sense to you. You can string a few tokens together so you think you are literate, but you are not. Arguments of temperatures, number of cameras, past history of the area, or history of gay culture will not perturb you one bit. You are down for the struggle and going with the flow.

Again, why should we be in Syria, when the Democrats are attacking the opposition at home? People are literally sitting at home bundled up against the cold and then they learn that supposedly their side did something when they know they didn't.

Why should we be in Syria, when some many Democrats need to see a psychologist?