Wednesday, January 16, 2019

One-Third of Britain’s Air Force Can’t Fly

Michael Peck, National Interest: RIP RAF?: One-Third of Britain’s Air Force Can’t Fly

One-third of Britain’s military aircraft isn’t available to fly, according to British media.

“Figures unearthed by freedom of information campaigners show 142 of 434 of the air force’s planes have been sidelined,” said the British tabloid Daily Mirror .

Some planes and helicopters have been mothballed, while others are down for major maintenance. The problem spans numerous models, including the Royal Air Force’s flagship fighter, the Eurofighter Typhoon.

“Military top brass revealed 55 of the 156 Typhoon jets are in the RAF’s ‘sustainment fleet’ - and not in its ‘forward fleet’ ready to be deployed on operations,” the Mirror said. Even aircraft in the forward fleet, which should be available for operations, are down as “short-term unserviceable aircraft.”

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WNU Editor:  At least 292 aircraft are flying.


Anonymous said...

I can't decide who is the bigger laughingstock, the UK or the USA?

They're both quite shi#$y. Maybe Canada?

Roger Smith said...

Trusting people, those Brits.

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