Sunday, January 13, 2019

Pakistan Has Abruptly Stopped Calling Out China's Mass Oppression Of Muslims

Business Insider: Pakistan abruptly stopped calling out China's mass oppression of Muslims. Critics say Beijing bought its silence

* China is facing international pressure over its crackdown on its Muslim ethnic minority, the Uighurs.
* Chinese authorities are accused of arbitrarily imprisoning Uighurs in prison-like camps and making them renounce their religion.
* More and more activists and countries, including those with Muslim majorities, are condemning Beijing over these actions.
* Pakistan, a major economic ally of China, was first to censure Beijing. But over the past few months, it started toeing the Chinese line.
* Experts say it illustrates the power of Chinese money.

Pakistan, China's largest economic ally in the Muslim world, abruptly stopped censuring Beijing over its unprecedented crackdown on Muslims.

The shift clearly illustrates the power of Chinese money, activists and critics say.

China is facing international pressure over its treatment of the Uighurs, a majority-Muslim ethnic minority who live mainly in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is amazing what a few billion dollars given to a country that is on the brink of bankruptcy can do to that country's stand on human rights. 


Anonymous said...

So true. Now America again, at last, holds the moral high ground.

Pakistan owned. China owned. Iraq is now any town USA.

Anonymous said...

Funny how easy Pakistanis are bought. US stops the financial support to the Pakistan regime just 2 months ago, China then filled this in less than 6 weeks ago, and today, Pakistan doesn't even remember how it's fellow Muslims are treated in China. Oh, Pakistan.. that's quite embarrassing and shameful

Anonymous said...

Don’t expect Donald Trump to step up and get tough on human rights abuses in Xinjiang any time soon

Owen Churchill says the Trump administration has a dismal track record on humanitarian issues, but US lawmakers have been making the right noises about the detention of Muslims in Xinjiang. Trump should listen to them and act
thus far, the silence via Trump