Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Pentagon Plans Fall Short In Meeting President Trump's Order To Withdraw 7,000 Soldiers From Afghanistan

U.S. troops patrol at an Afghan army base in Logar province. (Omar Sobhani/Reuters)

Washington Post: Trump wanted a big cut in troops in Afghanistan. New U.S. military plans fall short

The U.S. military is drafting plans to withdraw a few thousand troops from Afghanistan while continuing all major missions in the longest war in American history, U.S. officials said, three weeks after President Trump sought options for a more drastic pullout.

The planning is underway after Trump ordered the Pentagon to prepare the withdrawal of up to half of the roughly 14,000 U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan, six officials said. The officials, who work in several parts of the government, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions.

Trump still wants to remove troops from Afghanistan — eventually all of them — but the current withdrawal probably will be far fewer than 7,000, two senior White House officials said. Military advisers have convinced him that a smaller, and slower, withdrawal is best for now — although officials cautioned that a final decision had not been reached and that the president could order a full pullout at any moment.

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Update #1: US scaling back plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan (Washington Examiner)
Update #2: The U.S. Isn’t Really Leaving Syria and Afghanistan (The Atlantic)

WNU Editor: The American public want these soldiers back home .... Americans Support Trump’s Calls To Bring Troops Home From Afghanistan And Syria: Poll (Daily Caller).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What manuy Americans want is a policy that is sensible and consistent and one that does not change daily