Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Persident Trump: Meeting With House Speaker Pelosi And Senate Minority Leader Schumer A Total Waste Of Time

CNBC: Trump calls meeting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi a 'total waste of time' after he storms out

President Donald Trump on Wednesday stormed out of a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over an ongoing partial government shutdown, calling it "a total waste of time."

"I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO," Trump explained in a tweet as Pelosi and Schumer described the walk-out to reporters.

"I said bye-bye, nothing else works!" Trump added.

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WNU Editor: My gut is telling me that this partial U.S. government shutdown (25% of the federal government) is going to go on for a long time. The Democrats do not see border security as an issue that works for them, and President Trump is committed to it because of his election promise.


Anonymous said...

The Dems said to open the govt and then discuss, debate, on the border issue. Trump said no. Speculation has it that Trump, having declared he willingly owned the shutdown, will lose and perhaps may cost the
gOP some senators. Trump claims to be the master of the deal.
why does he not deal then?

Anonymous said...

The Dems do see border security as important. they do not feel the 5 billion wall truly addresses those needs. You need to get the Dem position straight if you are going to go along with the Trump view. Trump in this instance walked out of the meeting.
That is not negotiating

Anonymous said...

Perhaps somebody pointed out that 15-year civil-engineering projects do not look very convincingly like emergency measures. “My house is burning! Time to begin the process of calling for design proposals for a new fire station.”

President Donald Trump is about to discover the reverse side of Richard Neustadt’s famous observation that the most important presidential power is the power to persuade

Anonymous said...

What exactly do "the Dems" know about border security? Novel idea, why don't they sit down with border Patrol agents and ask them why they support improving border barriers. Oh the uproar that would create, after all these are Nazi's we are talking about, right?

This deal should include every aspect of the border and immigration issue, that's what Trump wants, cut a huge deal, sign DACA into law, eliminate loopholes, build and improve appropriate border barriers where deemed necessary. It's everything this country needs, but everything the "Dems" don't ever want to happen, that is unless they get things 100% their way.

Anonymous said...

Kick the can...politicians are great at that, let's just open the government then we can talk about it...haven't heard that one before.

Roger Smith said...

I have yet to see any meaningful mention of the devastation the tons, that's right, TONS, of life and nation harming materials that come into this country via our southern neighbors.
As for someone doing anything about the Chinese selling of fentanyl via the mail, Trump has brought this situation up in negociations, unlike someone else in their 8 years in office. But DJT is still the bad guy, holler miss nancy and her fellow security fence and secret service protected member of congress, mr. charley.
I have yet to see a poll that reflects a desire to have a borderless country by citizens of this country. Including a surprising number of people responding to this situation in posts right here. But boy do we hate DJT.

Anonymous said...

anon 507
the former head of homeland security, who was in charge of our border, was on tv just now and noted that the numbers of people trying to enter has gone down year after year and that the caravans now are different in that they are women and children seeking legal entry as refugees.
I have never seen anyone on the right, center, or left argue for borderlessness...I have traveled to Mexico and yes, there was a legal checkpoint at which I was checked, coming and going.
drugs do not come in by some guy sneaking across the river where there is no wall...if you believe that you are really out of it for fentanyl, where is the agreement with China and the checks on it? that stuff gets here via the deep web and it continues to do so

Anonymous said...

"drugs do not come in by some guy sneaking across the river where there is no wall" I supposed you learned all about the drug trade on your travels to Mexico. Sounds like you need to arrange a ride along with the US Border Patrol, you have a lot to learn.

Anonymous said...

being snippy is childish and hardly a decent adult comment.
I know what I know from any number of sources.

Anonymous said...

You're jealous!

Anonymous said...

where and how drugs get into our country

Anonymous said...

Take a ride on the TJ side of the wall

Anonymous said...

not much traffic but nice ride

Anonymous said...
