Tuesday, January 8, 2019

President Trump Addresses The Nation


RussInSoCal said...

All Trump needs to do is play the greatest hits of Schumer, Pelosi, Barack Obama, H Clinton and B Clinton. They all out-Trumped Trump on the illegal immigration rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

And the nation doesn't give a sh#t about made up nonsense.

Bloviate lad, bloviate on.

RussInSoCal said...

Its funny how genuinely livid the leftwingers are over this. Or just in infantile denial.

Re: rebuttal: Pelosi and Schumer are LOL pathetic.

(she looks like the bride of Frankenstein)

RussInSoCal said...

You'd think that if the Dems were convinced that he'd crash and burn on the "Fake Immigration Crisis", they'd let let him carry on.

RussInSoCal said...

And its especially delightful, with Schumer/Pelosi demanding equal time to overspray his message. They're arguing against themselves and look all the more foolish in their hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

babble on, trumtards ...the reviews are in and you and Mr Orange are losers, as polls show...Orange man grabbed tar baby and is stuck...struggle and struggle but only worsens, whilst his army of morons smirk and shout names at those who are not true believers

Anonymous said...

On behalf of left wingers: we are smiling! only way out now is to declare Emergency and loot the military of money