Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Russia And China Condemn U.S. Sanctions On Venezuelan Oil

Daily Mail: Russia condemns 'illegal' US sanctions on Venezuelan oil and China warns against 'external interference' amid warnings the South American country faces 'imminent open war'

* Moscow slam US sanctions against Venezuela's state oil company as 'illegal'
* Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said they 'violate all possible international norms'
* Lavrov promised that Russia will 'do everything to support President Maduro'
* China warned US sanctions will complicate the situation in the crisis-hit country
* Opposition leader Juan Guaido said he hoped for a peaceful transition, but echoed US President Donald Trump when he said 'all options are on the table'
* Ex-President of Uruguay José Mujica said Venezuela faces 'imminent open war'
* Mujica said Trump declaring a military option as on the table had 'the smell of oil'

Russia has condemned US sanctions against Venezuela's state oil company as 'illegal' while China has warned they will hurt the livelihoods of ordinary people and complicate the situation in the crisis-hit country.

The sanctions will hit state-owned PDVSA, Venezuela's largest source of revenue, as President Nicolas Maduro faces a challenge from opposition leader Juan Guaido, who has won the backing of the US and other Western nations.

The warnings from Beijing have been echoed by the former president of Uruguay, José Mujica, who said 'the drums of war are sounding strong,' and that Venezuela is facing 'imminent open conflict'.

Read more ....

Update: Russia and China condemn new US sanctions on Venezuela (CNBC)

WNU Editor: The Russians are upset over U.S. sanctions on Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA because they own 49% of the company, and now their investment is tied-up. Russia is also facing the sobering reality that their debts may not be repaid .... Russia expects Venezuela will struggle to repay its debts to Moscow (Reuters). More here .... Russia expects Venezuela to have trouble repaying loan (AP). As for the Chinese who are owed even more money .... China says US should bear consequences of Venezuela sanctions (Straits Times).


RussInSoCal said...

Word needs to be sent to Russia and China: there’ll be no occupations, confiscations or annexations of VEN property. They bet on the wrong horse and lost. VEN needs to be left alone. Nations with a history of stability - like Venezuela - have a way of repairing themselves. Especially a nation with massive oil wealth, like VEN.

Anonymous said...

Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs
The iconic American motorcycle maker got caught up in the trade wars.

Bob Huntley said...


Mike Feldhake said...

Funny, your saying this as CNBC had a segment saying the CEO had stated that the European tariffs had no impact on its bottom line. Please site facts and not false narratives.

Roger Smith said...

Anon, 1:40PM.

Anon, you must be a tree hugger. No loud Harley and leather for you. Otherwise you would understand that Harley's downturn is generational.
Hell's Angels are done. As Gillete recently demonstrated, the American males' ranks have thinned. Wall Street's next big hot new stock will be hair removal parlors for men playing a stereo recording of a Tesla muffler.

Bring back the draft.

Anonymous said...

Try Rolling Thunder when they do DC...a great generation of Nam vets and this will be their last year doing their thing there.
me? I have Indian...ever hear of that one?

fred said...

Harley Davidson profits crater on lower US, China sales

Anonymous said...

Democrats to not pay enough welfare for recipients to afford Harleys, yet.