Thursday, January 24, 2019

Russia Supports Venezuelan President Maduro's Regime

BBC: Venezuela crisis: Russia condemns bid to 'usurp power' from Maduro

Russia has condemned foreign powers for backing a Venezuelan opposition leader who declared himself interim president, calling it a bid to "usurp power".

Moscow said that the move violated international law and was a "direct path to bloodshed".

Juan Guaidó declared himself interim leader on Wednesday - a move recognised by the US and several other nations.

President Nicolás Maduro, who retains some other nations' support, broke off relations with the US in response.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is Russia's exposure in Venezuela .... Factbox: Oil, loans, military - Russia's exposure to Venezuela (Reuters). Many Russians (including this one) predicted that this was gong to happen .... Russia spent billions to build influence in Venezuela. Now it faces a bet gone bad (Washington Post).

More News On Russian Support For The Maduro Regime

Russia warns U.S. against military intervention in Venezuela: Ifax -- Reuters
Putin: Foreign interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs grossly violates international law -- RT
US interfering in Venezuela? No need to ask Mueller to determine that – Lavrov -- RT
Kremlin backs Venezuela's Maduro, while West turns up heat -- Reuters
Venezuela Turmoil Puts Billions of Dollars in Russian Investment in Jeopardy -- WSJ
Kremlin says ‘too early’ to discuss market impact of potential embargo on Venezuelan oil -- TASS
Russia: no OPEC, non-OPEC meeting proposed over Venezuela turmoil -- Reuters
Russia Is Only Half Right About Washington's Venezuela "Interference" -- Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes


RussInSoCal said...

No offense to WNU, but piss on Russia. Its pretty rich to warn against interference in VEN. I'm sure they'd love a prime base in from which to harass and interfere with our interests - in our hemisphere. SecState issued a warning to Maduro. Keep US diplomats safe and keep Guaido safe.

No one wants mil action in VEN, but if they kill Guaido or our diplomats, you can be pretty sure of US airstrikes on Maduro's head.

Russia, or no Russia.

Antitroll said...

Eh, eff usa. Most the world hates Americans. I learnt that on my travels

B.Poster said...


"...but piss on Russia." Some would say we've been doing this for decades with the expansion of NATO to Russia's borders. I'm not saying "some" are right but am reiterating what "some" have said. In any event, before "pissing" on a major world power like Russia, one needs a VERY GOOD reason and, if the reasoning exists, a VERY SOLID plan.

Very respectfully this current "plan" by the US and its "allies" looks no different than the previous and numerous half baked and rushed through plans over the past 20+ years where we go into something having no idea who we're supporting or what we're doing. If so, the end result will be a vastly expanded Russian and Chinese presence in Central and South America and those governments in the region who backed the "plan" being either swept away or otherwise diminished in influence with all of this being accompanied by even less leverage whereby we can negotiate a successful settlement with either Russia or China.

"I'm sure they'd love a prime base..." I'm sure they would. 25 years ago, 20 years ago, even 15 years ago, perhaps 10 years ago, and maybe even last year after the "Summit" a framework may have existed whereby we could have successfully negotiated our core interests in the so called "our hemisphere" along with theirs in eastern Europe or perhaps it could still have been established.

Unfortunately we may be WAY PAST that now, due to much "pissing" from both sides perhaps. If so, much like our entry into WW2, our only choice now is to win. Unfortunately the current "plan" by everything I'm seeing looks eveey bit as half baked as our previous ones over the last 20+ years.

The likely end results are as follows: 1.)Maduro survives and emerges stronger than he was going in. 2.) Cuba is much stronger with their Intelligence and secret police being feared throughout Central and South America. 3.)The governments of any "allies" in Central and South America who supported this "plan" are either overthrown or see their power and influence greatly diminished. 4.)Russian and Chinese presecence and influence throughout Central and South America is expanded substantially essentially removing all doubt as to who the "sheriffs" and the "deputies" are. 5.) We will have further "pissed away" any possibility of an amicable settlement with these powers and I think I could go on.

Essentially the plan, as it is, appears rushed and poorly thought out. I wish I could say this is unusual for our government and our "allies." Unfortunately this isn't the case. As such, we seem to be left hoping that yet another poorly thought out action will somehow have a better ending than previous ones. I hope wnd pray I'm wrong here and this one works out differently than the previous ones.

B.Poster said...


"Most of the world hates Americans." Very respectfully I think this has less to do with wny actual American policies and more to do with poor messaging on the part of America's leadership.

RussInSoCal said...

Yes. Most foreigners do hate Americans. We know this. That's why we're staying home and letting the Euro-cucks do WITHOUT our spending dollars.

And its a truth throughout history that lesser, more timid people hold confident, accomplished people in deep contempt.



B.Poster said...


I've been told this my entire life. I think your point has much metit.

As to letting the Euros do without us, I agree entirely. We've shouldered to much of this burden for entirely to long, advancing their interests at the expense of our own,and receiving no appreciation for it. It's long past time we changed course here.