Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures On The Trump/Russia Story

The Intercept: Beyond BuzzFeed: The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump/Russia Story

Buzzfeed was once notorious for traffic-generating “listicles”, but has since become an impressive outlet for deep investigative journalism under editor-in-chief Ben Smith. That outlet was prominently in the news this week thanks to its “bombshell” story about President Trump and Michael Cohen: a story that, like so many others of its kind, blew up in its face, this time when the typically mute Robert Mueller’s office took the extremely rare step to label its key claims “inaccurate.”

But in homage to BuzzFeed’s past viral glory, following are the top ten worst media failures in two-plus-years of Trump/Russia reporting. They are listed in reverse order, as measured by the magnitude of the embarrassment, the hysteria they generated on social media and cable news, the level of journalistic recklessness that produced them, and the amount of damage and danger they caused. This list was extremely difficult to compile in part because news outlets (particularly CNN and MSNBC) often delete from the internet the video segments of their most embarrassing moments. Even more challenging was the fact that the number of worthy nominees is so large that highly meritorious entrees had to be excluded, but are acknowledged at the end with (dis)honorable mention status.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I need a bigger blog. Ten more additional "Dishonorable Mentions" at the bottom of this report are also a must read. Another way to look at the media is the following (and one that is becoming way too common):


manstien said...

The usual comments are conspicuously absent!

Matthew Putnam said...

I believe me, they are incoming. I smell Freds yeast already; though that could have just been him shifting in his chair.

fred said...

Treacher writes for the Moonie paper Wash Times (Rev Moon, Unification Church) and PJmedia, right-wing compilation of anti-Dem and anti-Liberal notions...ok. that is his right...but to cite him as a judge of media is to present a rather lopsided view or, at best a right of center perspective that is merely that and thus not factually of interest. Is modern Wall St Journal a pro-Democrat paper? hardly
[Matt: if you have nothing of interest to offer, why snark?]

fred said...

Idea: Stop posting any and all stories that come from MSM since they are liars and not to be trusted. If you continue to use such horrible sources you are participating in the "fraud" you denounce

Anonymous said...

Holy sh$t....Matthew is savage.. damn dude that gave me whiplash like 10,000 miles away. Go easy on the little parrot.

He's often wrong and confused and ignorant and a whole lot of other things but that's because he's a leftie. They are not bad people they just are more like group thinkers who herd together and follow opinion leaders and form mobs and call to an end to civility and cheer on people like Comey and Hillary. That's normal to them. That's their daily reality now..and ..As they are a bit like herd animals, they're afraid to speak up alone and stick their neck out about what's happening to their party and all the scandals. ..many are pussywhipped by "women who are the future" and call men "toxic" and tell them to "shut up already" and that we men are "sexist" and "entitled" and then ask for laws that give them 50% of the best jobs in the world - board membership in the biggest tech companies by law..currently 10% filed by women defoe decades of advancement programs to their benefit - now will be 50%(!) by 2020 filled by women because of their gender... but there won't be a law asking women to also do 50% of not so great jobs that men do ...get it? But WE are the entitled ones...We call for and send to civility. No. I'm joking of course. ..It's them..

I wonder what will happen when they wake up. .pendulum swings both ways..go too crazy and don't call your crazies back and extremism will be applauded on our dm side as well. It only makes sense. Republicans are for law and order and borders and security and due proces's. Afro-American republicans, Caucasian republicans, Latino republicans, Asian republicans..all of us. .but you keep calling us racists and bigots and tell us lies like walls don't work and call to and end to civility and you applaud that. It will backfire