Saturday, January 19, 2019

Tweets for Today


Anonymous said...

"But it's Manafort who is being treated as the greatest threat to America since lawn darts and has every book being thrown at him, while the other campaign pros, including a former Obama White House Counsel, get a slap on the wrist."

"Skadden Settlement Spotlights Greg Craig’s Ukraine Work"

Semper BS - a country run by apparatchiks of the Democrat Party placed there whenever they gain the presidency.

Anonymous said...

If this holds up, then it would appear that 2 out of the 3 Dem 2020 front runners, Bernie Sanders and Beto O'Rourke, have a #MeToo problem. And the third, Joe Biden, is a walking #MeToo problem.

Had this happened to a Republican presidential contender, it would be front page news and there would be reporters huddled around the candidate demanding answers. But since it involves a Democrat 2020er, the revelation gets buried somewhere in paragraph six.

The purpose of a liberal rag is in part to tell Bad News in a Good Way. IF they never told the truth people would cease reading them. So they spin the news. They give the truth, but only let the cat out of the deep in the story. Most people only read the headline, nutgraph, or lede. Less than 10% get past the 1st few paragraphs. So if the truth is in paragraphs 4, 5, or 6 or later the rag can claim to have carried the truth, while most of the readers are unaware of all of the particulars and there are never outraged and never have to question their team.

Help,” “I’m want t[sic] to go home,” and “I’m ready to cry,” and told the friend she was with the intern coordinator but did not know where she was.

The woman said she remembered Jones engaging in sexual activity with her, including forcing her to perform oral sex.

Anonymous said...

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Another Democrat circle the wagons operation.