Monday, January 21, 2019

Two Different Videos. One Told Only Part Of A Story. The Other Told The Whole Story. Guess Which One The Media Played

NEO: Reporting on each other: the Covington boys, the Native American, and the smart phone vs. the telescreen

The news story of the Catholic high school students in MAGA hats who were captured on video supposedly harassing a Native American Vietnam vet was a tale I ignored till now. As presented, it seemed relatively trivial to me—a group of teens acting like jerks. What’s more, I tend to follow the 48-hour rule on stories like that, because so many turn out to be fake or exaggerated.

Since then, it’s come out that the story was an excellent example of Fake News Tweaked to Advance the Narrative.

I’m not going to go into all the Byzantine details, but you can read them (and watch videos) here, here, here, here, here, and at plenty of other sites.

There are sites and people who ran the original story and have since issued corrections or retractions, but so far those sites do not include the WaPo, which has made a big big deal of the story. Even as I write these words the comments there are overwhelmingly in condemnation of the teens based on the original propaganda story, despite a few attempts in the comments by others to give the context and links to the corrective videos (those people are being called paid trolls or alt-right members).

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When one looks at the above longer video, a different picture emerges. These teenagers kept themselves, did not swear or insult those who were insulting them, kept their composure, and were models on what we want to see in our young. It was the Native American and long time protester Nathan Phillips who confronted these kids (who were keeping to themselves), instead of confronting the Black Israelites a few feet away who were using some of the most vile-racist language that you can hear. It was the teenager who faced him who was the model of restraint and who helped to keep the situation passive, and not Nathan Phillips. But the media coverage choose to show what they want to see, and not what really happened. But the truth finally catches up to you, and we are seeing it now .... Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids (Mediaite). More here .... Apologies Roll In For Catholic School Protesters As Fuller Picture Of Events Emerges (Daily Caller).

Update: CNN is rushing to defend Natham Phillips .... Native American elder Nathan Phillips, in his own words (CNN).

More News On Media Bias Over This Weekend's Coverage Of Students Facing Protesters

Native American elder mocked by young Donald Trump supporters in MAGA hats? It's not that simple -- ABC News Online
MAGA Hat Teen Speaks Out Amid Death Threats; Denounces "Outright Lies" About Tribal Elder Staredown -- Zero Hedge
I Failed the Covington Catholic Test -- Julie Irwin Zimmerman, The Atlantic
What makes a liberal want to punch a child? -- Daniel McCarthy, Spectator


Matthew Putnam said...

Looking forward to seeing the emotionally fervent leftists here in the comments trying to defend this like the buzzfeed fiasco. Especially cunt froth Fred. He is such a good boy.

Anonymous said...

Which one did Fox show? Do they count as MSM?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The raconteurs of the main stream press, the big boys, portrayed the students as White Roman Catholics. They chose a video with a camera angle that did not show the Roman Catholic student who was twice as dark and the "I'm in your face Leftist" Indian.

Meanwhile Kirsten Powers and Cathy Griffin want to dox these kids, so that they can be harassed and maybe murdered. The alternative media to the establishment media (& their readers are extremely pissed!

Consider the old establishment media did not bother and flatly refused to detail the extreme racism of the Black Israelites. There are a handful of whites who believe Europeans are the lost 12 tribe of Israel and that Jews are fakers. If they had been there the media would have regaled us with details for a week. But of the Black Israelites they are mum, just mention a weensy little bit of their racist views in passing.

The Black Israelites upset the high school kids ('the children' as the Democrats would say if they wanted to pass a bill) was stuff that Bob, our Bob, spouts everyday. Never see that guy move east across the pond for some strange reason. So Leftist dud decided to interject himself between the two groups and get into the faces of the kids. If it were a basketball game it would be a foul and be called charging. This grown man, Mr.Phillips, wanted to go through the kid and not around him. That is very adult-like, very civil. Mr. Phillips also had wingmen to assist in his intimidation. Mr. Phillips moves up to the kids and then thrusts a drum into the kid's personal space to be extra dickish. We;;, Mr. Phillips has that right. He is a liberal.

Meanwhile, BUTTHURT LIB CHUDS will be happy to give Donald Trump credit for lowering drug prices.

“We find that growth in relative drug prices has slowed since January 2017, that generic drugs are being approved at a particularly rapid pace, and that savings from new generic entrants totaled about $26 billion as of July 2018.”

"That is, indeed, a historic feat."

If by a cut in the rate of increase in a federal budget by Democrat, LIBTARDian, math, then Trump cut drug prices.

I would rather have an out right cut, but is the rate of increase dropped significantly, I will take it and be happier.

Plus the Trump administration is approving many generics. This is GREAT NEWS!

Maybe LIBTARD CHUD should learn what binders are and what "ME TOO" drugs are. By authorizing many generics Trump has really truly helped America!



DinoB said...

Thank god I am not a liberal. But, If I were, I would be embarrassed by the news media constantly reporting fake news and making me look like the tool I am! ;)

Anonymous said...

Not sure your stance but the media I watch played first the earlier one and then the later one..Seems you try to make a case of bias but you are wrong.I am not sure which is the "real" story but in the one that seems to badmouth the student, he is in the face of the old matter what he claims--and he may be right--he is doing, he is clearly in the personal space of the Indian.

Anonymous said...

I guess what the NY Times published does not count in the indictment of the situation
and from the same paper:

Teen in Confrontation With Native American: I Didn't Provoke

but this ok?
President whips up North Carolina rally crowd into chanting 'CNN SUCKS'

Unknown said...

CatholicDragoon said...

Heads need to roll!

Anonymous said...

I hope the kids parents file civil lawsuits against the people slandering, threatening and harassing their family. Brown Shirt tactics from the left like the NAZI’s they are.

Maybe the feds will launch a criminal civil rights investigation as well

Anonymous said...

"Phillips had approached Sandmann" - NYT

So if Sandmann does not give way that is racist?

According to the liberal world view it is. Says a lot about liberals and their intolerance.

The high school kids did "The Haka" and that set off Phillip and the snow flakes.

The Haka is a Maori Dance. The Haka "commonly associated with the traditional battle preparations of male warriors". A school sports is about discipline, physical fitness, sportsmanship and winning.

Let's look at the winning part of the equation, because liberals seem really confused or maybe they just want to berate people and make them timid for political advantage. When you have a team and you want to win, you want a name, a mascot, and cheer leading that expresses strength, virility, and competence. So they do NOT call themselves the snowflakes, the Wimps, or the hipsters. They take names of warriors or warrior societies or groups.

If a group is chosen that you are affiliated with, you should be proud. It is an opportunity, a segue, to to promote your culture. For people to appreciate and value it. Is this taken advantage of? No.

Instead the Left uses it as a wedge issue to beat their political opponents to a bloody pulp for political gain. They call it cultural appropriation, when they are playing nice and racism when they are not.

It is a little bit like the difference between the Apple & Microsoft business strategies. Taking the cultural Apple strategy and saying only Indian (or pick your ethnic group) can only do x limits the spread of that culture and appreciation of it. Taking the Microsoft strategy, where everyone can appreciate the culture ensure that it will never die and will become intrinsically embedded into the overall culture forever.

You can choose the Democrat identity politics way or the smart way.

***Remember spring is officially only 15 days away. Mark your calendars.

Anonymous said...

The press has shown 2 of the kids in blackface at HS games, which is incredibly stupid and insensitive. Is there a back story? Did they receive detentions? The DM and other have reported the pictures, but they have yet to report the whole story. Did the kids receive discipline include 3 days suspension or whatever? For a journal to print the pictures without the whole story is inflammatory or worse than the kids doing it.

Where I live the kids traveled 1/2 hours to another town for a game. they dressed up hicks. They assumed that the town was a farm community (like their own in the past) that one way they could harass the other white kids was by dressing up as farmer hicks.

They dressed in straw hats, bib coveralls, with a stalk of grass in their math. Like how SNL would do it when they were making fun of fly over country. The police were called, because there was almost a riot.

Now if kids at a predominantly black school did something similar, would it be reported. Or would be no report so it didn't happen mindset.

fred said...

PICTURED: Kentucky students from the same Catholic high school as the teens who taunted a Native American man were allowed to don BLACKFACE at their sports events - and openly goaded African American players

x said...

Thank You for defending the truth. God bless from Poland ��

Not Smith said...

Trump Proposals Could Increase Health Costs for Consumers

fred said...

Trump's approval ratings are historic—historically bad, right as debate rages about his fitness
1. polls fake
2. polls do not matter
3. polls do not represent real Americans
4. it is always difficult to do the unconventional but great things and thus etc etc
5. there are two more years to this presidency so that.....
My best guess: ORANGE MORON will sink still lower in the months to come
and yes, panting, parrot and other mature things from girly boys

Mike Feldhake said...

Fred, you could at least admit that some in the Media are hell bent against Trump and conservatives. Heck my very Liberal buddy admits it. Just damn sucks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


fred said...

Panting too

Anonymous said...

You let so called girly men and immature people get under your skin so easily. I thought all you did was talk god and educated people who like you really understand the intelligence business. Didn't you learn anything at your secret base? Maybe you were too busy with your "thousands" of daily visits.

Matthew Putnam said...

There's that yeasty cunt froth from WNU's favorite plunker troll Fred!! God, he is such a good boy. You thin skinned, egg shell skull, emotionally stunted man bitch. You are so easily manipulated and adhere to leftism so well. Gerplonk you old nothing failure of a person!! :D

Anonymous said...

fred said...

matthew: I know you are but what am I?

Anonymous said...

Obviously a master of punctuation. You did hold a stool of the English Department at a major university.

Anonymous said...

PICTURED: Kentucky students from the same Catholic high school as the teens who taunted a Native American man were allowed to don BLACKFACE at their sports events - and openly goaded African American players


How do you know that those students were not given a week's worth of in-school detention or were suspended for 3 days.

If they were disciplined afterwards and never did it at another game, problem solved.

If News media does not report black racism, does it mean it does not exist? Panter probably believes so.

Anonymous said...

“Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.”

Stolen Valor? Nathan Phillips Claimed to be 'Vietnam Vet,' 'in Theater'

Phillips called himself a Vietnam veteran. It was a bald faced lie. Maybe that is why some people like him here?

Phillips was a REMF, a rear echelon marine repair tech. He is not as brave as the parrot. At least the parrot was in country and at or near the front on occasion. Was the parrot scared to go to Korea. Sure, but that is normal.

Another point is that the Democrat, corporate media likes to claim that the Catholic high school kids have privilege. There are a lot of poor people attending Catholic high schools. I remember a a college student in a STEM curriculum, who was a single mother with
4 kids. They cleaned houses to make ends meet and go to school. She had no money. Her kids went to a Catholic school nonetheless. The Democrat, corporate media is a sickening, lying thing.

There was a 60 or 70 year old man on caller to the local talk show. He went to a Catholic school. He was poor. 1/2 his classmates were Mexican and they were poorer.

The Democrat, corporate media is a lying, sickening thing.

Anonymous said...

BuzzFeed and HuffPo Just Got Hit with the Karma Stick and We Are HERE for It