Wednesday, January 2, 2019

U.S. And Brazil Agree To Target Cuba, Venezuela, And Nicaragua

Reuters: Pompeo, Brazil's new government target Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua

BRASILIA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed supporting a return to democracy in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua with Brazil’s new right-wing government on Wednesday, in a joint effort against what he called authoritarian regimes in Latin America.

Pompeo and Brazil’s Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo considered deepening cooperation in the region at a meeting in Brasilia following Tuesday’s inauguration of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

They discussed “supporting the people of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in restoring democratic governance and their human rights,” State Department deputy spokesman Robert Palladino said.

Pompeo later met with Bolsonaro and also broached the question of “reinforcing democratic governance and human rights” in those three countries.

Read more ....

Update: Bolsonaro 'transformative' for US-Brazil ties: Pompeo (Digital Journal)

WNU Editor: The massive flow of refugees/migrants from Venezuela into Brazil is the #1 priority for the new Brazilian government. The situation is getting worse in Venezuela, and many are predicting that in 2019 the flow of people escaping the disaster that is unfolding in Venezuela will be double (if not more).


Anonymous said...

translation: use CIA et al to overthrow govts of those nations we deem not acceptable

Anonymous said...

The CIA is not going to overthrow Maduro

1) Venezuela is to good of an object example of how to not run a country. communism or communism lite (i.e. socialism).

2) Venezuela does not to be overthrown. It will fall down on its own shortly.

3) Overthrowing Venezuela will stick at he U.S. with the bill. Currently, the tab is being picked up by Russia and China.

As an aside we know from the people that say "Russia, Russia, Russia" that anything the Russians want must be bad. Putin your paymaster (4:10 PM) want Maduro in power. So Venezuela must be bad.

Having China stuck with the bill for an unending defaulting economy / war is good. It ties them down.

Anon, I am glad that I was able skool' you boy; you should be wiser now.

Anonymous said...

as one anon to another:
thanks. but how does what you say refer to the fact that the US and Brazil will target those 3 nations when you say they will fail on their own. Why do we "target" them and what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

"Why do we "target" them and what does that mean?"

So sad that you are not a native speaker. It shows.

When a company sets a sales target, does it mean that they shoot the rival salesmen from competing companies?

Here is what targeting means. Bolsonaro and Trump are going to get together at midnight with 4 chickens, 2 six packs, some gourds, and some petty cash (coins and paper bills) and hold a Macumba ceremony and hex Maduro and the other leaders. Capiche?

Anonymous said...

Specifically, the intersection of Avenida norte 10 and Avenida Urdaneta

Intersections are important in Macumba