Tuesday, January 29, 2019

U.S. Director Of National Intelligence Claims That North Korea Will Not Give Up Its Nuclear Weapons

Daily Mail/Agencies: Kim Jong Un wants to KEEP his nuclear weapons, Trump's intelligence boss tells senators - contradicting president's 'denuclearization' claim after his summit with North Korean dictator

* Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, tells the Senate Intelligence Committee, that Kim Jong Un sees nuclear weapons as vital to his regime
* He said of North Korea: 'Its leaders ultimately view nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival.'
* Coats' assessment, which is on behalf of all the U.S. intelligence agencies, directly contradicts Trump who said Kim was on way to full denuclearization
* Intelligence chief also disclosed 'observations of some activity that is inconsistent with full denuclearization'
* Report also warned Russia will try to hack 2020 election by spreading division on social media and that ISIS 'still command thousands of fighters'

North Korea will try to keep its nuclear weapons and is still working on them, Donald Trump's director of national intelligence warned Tuesday - directly contradicting the president's claim about his relationship with Kim Jong Un.

In an assessment casting doubt on President Donald Trump's goal of a nuclear-disarmed North Korea, U.S. intelligence agencies told Congress that the North is unlikely to entirely dismantle its nuclear arsenal.

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More News On The U.S. Director Of National Intelligence Claiming That North Korea Will Not Give Up Its Nuclear Weapons

North Korea unlikely to give up nuclear weapons: U.S. spy chief Coats -- Reuters
Spy agencies doubt North Korea will give up nuclear weapons -- AP
Spy chief contradicts Trump's claims of progress with North Korea -- Reuters
U.S. intel chief Dan Coats: North Korea 'unlikely to completely give up' its nukes -- USA Today
Top intel chiefs contradict Trump on Iran, North Korea nuclear developments -- The Hill


Bob Huntley said...

He warns? NK not giving up the nukes is pretty much a given.

Anonymous said...

Russia secretly offered North Korea a nuclear power plant, officials say
Hey Mr Prez...your main man not so nice

kidd said...

Its over

Anonymous said...

There is a job for poster #1. North Koreans now have a quota for human manure (BS). Poster #1 could help 20 million grateful fulfill their quotas.

Anonymous said...

get real and stop with insults ...we assume you have nothing of substance to say if you are girly boy snippy

Anonymous said...

"get real and stop with insults .."

The parrot sticking up for someone who thinks he is a war criminal.

Kim Jong Un must have a hankering for e. coli, because if he keeps up with his nuke program, the economy will remain sanction and and moribund (with or without sanctions).

Bob the notorious I hate Trump on top of being just and out and out Leftist made the comment about the nuke program because it was cathartic for him.

Sure they may have their program, but it will cost them their economy.