Tuesday, January 29, 2019

U.S. Director Of National Intelligence Warns That China And Russia Are The Biggest Espionage, Cyber, And Election Meddling Threats

VOA: US intel Chief: Russia, China Biggest Espionage, Cyber Threats

Russia and China pose the biggest espionage and cyber attack threats to the United States and are more aligned than they have been in decades, the leader of the U.S. intelligence community told U.S. senators on Tuesday.

While the two countries seek to expand their global reach, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said, some American allies are pulling away from Washington in reaction to changing U.S. policies on security and trade.

"China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea increasingly use cyber operations to threaten both minds and machines in an expanding number of ways - to steal information, to influence our citizens, or to disrupt critical infrastructure," Coats said.

Read more ....

More News On The U.S. Director Of National Intelligence Warning That China And Russia Are The Biggest Espionage, Cyber, And Election Meddling Threats

Intelligence heads warn of more aggressive election meddling in 2020 -- Politico
U.S. intel agencies: Russia and China plotting to interfere in 2020 election -- NBC
US officials warn of stark threat posed by ISIS -- The Hill
Spy Boss Coats Warns Russia, Others Plot New Interference Techniques For 2020 -- NPR


Anonymous said...


Carl said...

Dan Coats is as trust worthy as James Clapper, the man who lied to Congress about spying on Americans and got away with it. Edward Snowden, who seems to have already been forgotten, proved that the biggest cyber threat in the world is not China, but the US National Security Agency, which spies on and plants sleeper maware against US allies as well as enemies, so called.

Anonymous said...

Yo Carl
why not move to another country...I trust our intel much more that Putin butt boy. Riddle me this: how can our leader meet in private with the leader of an enemy state and not one American still not know what got said? and some 25 associates of
Trump before he ran for office indicted, pleading guilty, serving time all involved in a Russian connection. And every sanction against Russia put in place NOT by Trump but House and Senate or removed by Trump? He is to ethics and Americanism what El Chapo is to Drugs

U.S. Government Seen as Most Corrupt in Seven Years
The Fine for Scamming U.S. Veterans Out of Their Pensions Is Now $1
Posted byu/CrapHappy
5 hours ago
Trump loves to give White House tours in which he — incorrectly — claims that Obama would spend the whole day watching basketball
Posted byu/CrapHappy
5 hours ago
Trump loves to give White House tours in which he — incorrectly — claims that Obama would spend the whole day watching basketball
Capt. Sullenberger: The shutdown was a ‘reckless political act’
1 in 3(!) Republicans want someone other than Trump as the 2020 nominee

Anonymous said...

Source: Trump sat down with Putin at G20 without US note-taker

Anonymous said...

thanks, anon
this has never ever been done in American politics!!

Mike Feldhake said...

Boy, this is mere entertainment, not facts. Someone takes a bit of information and all of a sudden is an expert on the subject; LOL.

Sorry, we just need to stop jumping to conclusions based on bits of information.

Anonymous said...

- Unless China and Russia are changing vote counts faster than the Democrats, there is no threat.

- Anon 4:36, aka Parrot has a bad, bad case of Lysenko-ism. Various studies show that Lysenko-ism is alive and well in America. It is a bigger threat than China or Russia.

We are blessed with 3 comments by the Lysenko parrot for the blogpost.

Parrot's father said...

i know you are but what am i?
middle school doing ok with you?
grow up

Anonymous said...

4 comments by parrot

Academic Hoax Reveals Deep Problems in Social Sciences

Working with documentary filmmaker Mike Nayna, three academics—Helen Pluckrose, an English literature and history scholar; James Lindsay, a math PhD; and Peter Boghossian, a professor of philosophy at Portland State University— submitted over a dozen papers to top academic journals. The journals were in fields like gender studies, sexuality studies, race studies, and critical theory—or, what the trio is now referring to as "grievance studies...a number of their papers were actually accepted into top journals. And those papers? They were all bullshit."

They were published because Lefties wanted to believe!

It reminds me of someone out of their depth publishing the obligatory book on racism.

Anonymous said...

Yup, so many academics are complete BULLSHIT!