Wednesday, January 30, 2019

U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Outline Threats To The U.S. -- News Roundup

CNN: US intelligence chiefs reveal gulf with Trump on North Korea, Iran and ISIS

President Donald Trump has previously declared that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, touted the defeat of ISIS, doubted the effects of climate change and railed against the Iran nuclear deal as "defective at its core."

But the most senior intelligence officials in the Trump administration suggested Tuesday that many of the President's sweeping assertions related to national security are inconsistent with their own assessments.

When pressed by Senate lawmakers during a hearing about the most urgent global threats facing the US, Trump's intelligence chiefs, including Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and CIA director Gina Haspel, appeared to contradict several claims made by the President to justify core tenets of his foreign policy.

The apparent gap between Trump and his own intelligence agencies has been a persistent theme over the last two years, and Tuesday's testimony illustrates just how stark the divide is between what the President says and the information he is being presented.

Read more ....

U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Outline Threats To The U.S. -- News Roundup

US intel chiefs share latest assessment of North Korea, Iran nuclear programs -- Defense News/AP
U.S. spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to U.S. -- Reuters
U.S. intelligence chief breaks with Trump on North Korea, Iran, ISIS -- Politico
Trump's Own Intelligence Chief Contradicted Him Several Times -- Time
Key intel assessments appear to be at odds with U.S. policy -- CBS
North Korea, ISIS, Iran and election interference top U.S. intelligence community concerns -- NBC
Spy chief says Russia will attempt to interfere in 2020, contradicts Trump on North Korea's denuclearization, ISIS defeat -- FOX News
Russia and other foreign powers will attempt to exploit 2020 presidential elections, top US intelligence official says -- The Independent
Intelligence chiefs single out China in threat hearing -- Fifth Domain
US spy chiefs break with Trump on several threats to the US -- Al Jazeera
North Korea nuclear: US intelligence report says regime to keep weapons -- BBC
China likely to step up militarisation in South China Sea: US intelligence report -- Straits Times
Iran Not Undertaking Activities to Produce Nuclear Device – Coats -- Sputnik
Israeli strikes on Iran in Syria may lead to war - U.S. intelligence chief -- Jerusalem Post
Top U.S. intelligence official warns of danger from 'no-deal' Brexit -- Reuters
U.S. Spooks Chart a Steady Course -- Mark Lowenthal, RCD
Key takeaways from annual US intelligence threat assessment -- AP


Anonymous said...

I suggest you draw up a list of what Intel states are serious threats.
then a list of what Trump thinks are or are not threats
and from the difference see if any sort of pattern emerges why there is this difference.

fred said...

this not photoshopped!

Bob Huntley said...


Perhaps a list too of the things that are needed to be done at home for which a share of the Pentagon and Departments of Subversive Foreign Activities budgets need to be freed up.

Anonymous said...

You are not a good PhD in your field and now you are a body language expert.

Body language experts are from a field that is riven with replication failures galore.

"budgets need to be freed up."
Yeah Bob's GF needs more money for the heating bill, because Bob is getting the milk for free and refuses to marry.

Why take on the responsibilities of family when you can shuck it off on the government (i,e taxpayers /other people).

fred said...

Evidence that I am not a good PhD in my field? what background have you to judge who is and is not? what criteria do you use?
crawl off, Deplorable one
that photo: one hardly needs to be a body language expert to understand that! except perhaps for you, busy girly boy with insults that do not work

Anonymous said...

- Your interview
- Your published works
- The general state of academy
- Your grasp (or lack of it) of the real world

Anonymous said...

Last time I counted 200 to 400 hundred Russians lost their lives in Syria due to American fire power.

There was no American body count.

It was a foolish endeavor to cross the Euphrates and unfortunately people paid with their lives.

There is Ukraine. Not much territory has changed hand in Eastern Ukraine since Obama lost it.

So where is Russia gaining except for that worn out nag they bought by donating (laundering) funds through the Clinton foundation (Cookie Jar)?

fred said...

Anon--you are such an asshole
the other Trumpian anon
Russia and Iran now run incident is meaningless...Obama lost Ukraine? no Putin got it from Trump.
You guys are so funny as you try to defend the Orange Baboon. Even some in the GOP now state in public that his policy in Syria is wrong

Anonymous said...


Russia has has a base at Tartus, Syria since the 1970s (1971). Capiche?

I know asking capiche is a stupid question to ask a liberal.

I made it easy for you illiterate and innumerate one. You do not have to navigate through the Wiki article, which is a good things, because otherwise you might get lost.

The next link shows a map of the Russian Naval Base. Maybe, if you stop doing looking up smut, you could use Google maps to look at the base.

Syria has been a Russian client or ally since the 1970s. It still is. So what did Trump lose?–Syria_relations

Russian military interventions started big time in 2015 under Obama.

There is only one thing to lose and Demoncrat Party has never shown any interest in it. When conservatives talk about it, Demons poo poo the thought. Well what do you expect. The Demons are like monkeys throwing excrement.

Yes, it is what Dems do!

one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR