Wednesday, January 23, 2019

U.S. National Intelligence Strategy Report Has Been Released

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats sworn in by Vice President Pence. Office of the Vice President

CNN: US intelligence agencies warn of threats from new and old foes

Washington (CNN)US intelligence agencies are grappling with the "most complex and diverse threats ever seen" from a host of adversaries, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said Tuesday while unveiling his office's new National Intelligence Strategy.

Among those named in the strategy were the expected -- Russia, China, North Korea and Iran -- as well as a raft of non-state actors and terrorist threats that "pose challenges within traditional, non-traditional, hybrid, and asymmetric military, economic, and political spheres."

The new strategy, which sets the agenda for the country's 17 intelligence agencies and has been released every four years, also placed on emphasis on the need for the intelligence community to be more transparent and to ensure its voice is heard in the national security conversation.

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More News On The Release Of The U.S. National Intelligence Strategy Report

China’s tech, North Korea’s nuclear weapons and Russia among major threats facing US, says intelligence report -- SCMP/AP/AFP
U.S. Faces Increasing Threats From Weakening World Order and Isolationism, Intelligence Agencies Warn -- The New York Times
Intel report warns of 'complex' threats, competition from Russia and China in space race -- FOX News
U.S. Intelligence Warns That Russia and China Are Seizing on Global Turmoil -- Bloomberg
New intelligence strategy identifies emerging tech as major threat -- The Hill
US intelligence warns of ‘ever more diverse’ threats -- Military Times/AP
What worries US intelligence officials? Russia, China and Western isolationism -- ABC News


A.Smith Jr said...

Nearly 6-in-10 voters — 57 percent — disapprove of Trump's job performance, compared to the 40 percent that approve. In addition, 54 percent of voters blame Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill for the government shutdown. Only 35 percent blame congressional Democrats.

Anonymous said...

You get that psuedonym talked to god again?

A.smith,jr said...

you simply do not get it, do you

Anonymous said...

Oh I get it A. Smith,jr. You are so obvious.

Mr Obvious said...

Damning details: Here’s exactly how the Trump administration made a secret deal with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

Anonymous said...

Try harder.

Mr Try Harder said...

Anon asked me to try again so here

Poll: Majority of voters think Russia has dirt on Trump

Anonymous said...

I did not say try again, I said " try harder", you can't even read.

A.Smith, Jr said...

Under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has gone up by 7 million
Even in a strong economy, Americans are losing their health coverage

Anonymous said...

The Morning Consult-Politico poll finds that “57 percent of registered voters disapprove of Trump’s job performance — more than any other survey in Trump’s two years in office — while 40 percent approve. The 17-percentage-point deficit matches two previous lows of the Trump presidency.” Sixty percent of independents now disapprove of his performance. As time goes on, more Americans blame Trump for the shutdown (“49 percent of voters [say] he is responsible in the latest survey — up 6 points since the shutdown began”).

The CBS News poll has even worse numbers for Trump. In that survey, “Seven in 10 Americans don’t think the issue of a border wall is worth a government shutdown, which they say is now having a negative impact on the country. ... Mr. Trump’s overall approval rating has dipped three points from November to 36 percent today.

Anonymous said...

So now it's Vox. Did you even attempt to read it?

Anonymous said...

So now polls are the gospel, of course only certain polls have that cache.

god's buddy said...

Trump 2020 campaign used a shell company to pay ad buyers at the center of alleged illegal coordination scheme with NRA

Anonymous said...


Mr Panting said...

The shutdown's hitting Smithsonian hard. It's losing $1 million a week

US House votes overwhelmingly to bar US exit from NATO

Anonymous said...

Republican senator explains why Trump cannot escape the shutdown: “He can’t lose Hannity"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


panting non stop said...

Trump approval falls to 36 percent in new poll

Trump Voter Slams Government Shutdown: 'It's Ridiculous. You're Not Getting The Wall'

Coast Guard head: Service members relying on food pantries 'unacceptable'

Young Voters Keep Moving to the Left on Social Issues, Republicans Included

Anonymous said...


Jeremiah said...


Anonymous said...

Now that's the response of a self styled " educated" man. Get it from "BuzzFeed" or in your conversations with God.

fred said...

anon: advice: remain anon
your girly boy schoolyard wit is a failure

Anonymous said...

Works on you!

fred said...

That's it. I am done for today. Go forth and sin no more. Or change nappies and have your formula