Tuesday, January 29, 2019

U.S. Senate Leader Offers Legislation To Keep U.S. Troops In Syria And Afghanistan

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell looks on during a news conference about the recently withdrawn healthcare bill on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 18, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

Reuters: U.S. Senate leader wants U.S. troops to stay in Syria, Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican leader of the U.S. Senate offered legislation on Tuesday urging the United States to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan, as President Donald Trump’s administration moves toward withdrawals of American forces after years overseas.

Saying that Islamic militant groups in the two countries continue to pose a “serious threat” to the United States, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he had introduced an amendment to a broader Middle East security bill urging a “continued commitment” until al Qaeda, Islamic State and other groups are defeated.

“We’re not the world’s policemen, but we are the leader of the free world, and it’s incumbent upon the United States to lead, to maintain a global coalition against terror and to stand with our partners,” McConnell said in a speech in the Senate.

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WNU Editor: The Republican leadership are siding with the Democrats against President Trump's Syrian and Afghanistan policy. This is not what the Republican base wants .... Poll: Americans Oppose President Trump’s Foreign Policy .

More News On The U.S. Senate Leader Offering Legislation To Keep U.S. Troops In Syria And Afghanistan

In rebuke to Trump, Mitch McConnell unveils proposal urging troops stay in Syria, Afghanistan -- CNN
McConnell warns against early exit from Syria, Afghanistan -- ABC News/AP
McConnell to rebut Trump on Syria, Afghanistan drawdown -- The Hill
McConnell Snubs Trump on Syria, Announces Amendment Urging Troops to Stay -- US News and World Report
McConnell pushes back against Syria, Afghanistan troop withdrawl -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

this is one heck of a way to have a foreign policy

Anonymous said...

Do the republicans want a third party threat? Because this is how they make that happen.

Anonymous said...

Well shucks there is only one commander in chief of the military and it’s not Cocaine Mitch.

Anonymous said...

McConnell is an embarrassment.

He wants to run war policy?

He got ran out of a restaurant and his wife defended him not the other way around.

He needs to take his punk ass the The Villages and drink Mai Tais all day!

Anonymous said...

"Do the republicans want a third party threat?"

There have been very threatening rumbles of a 3rd party every since 2012/2013. Your average tard wouldn't notice as they were gloating. The rumbles quieted with the election of Trump.

You cannot understand the Trump phenomena without understanding the desire/resignation for a 3rd party. Trump is not perfect; we all know, but he looks like a genius next to Jeb Bush or any Democrat.

In 2012/2013 people were very upsets with Boehner's lack of engagement. They were upset enough ti unseat Cantor in his safe seat and then furious when he went to the coast of Georgia for a retreat after being tossed and said that you must fool the voter at election time and govern against them. You cannot understand how Trump can be forthright, brash, etc without remembering Cantor and his backstabbing words.

The there was Mitt and his snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory. He hit Obama hard won the debate and then let Candy Crowley walk allover him, because she was supposedly a neutral 3rd party (the press) and a woman.

People remember GWB and McCain going for amnesty without a wall coming 1st. They backed off after reading the polls. You could get enough Republicans (rank & file) on board to have a 70% to 75% majority for a comprehensive deal to include amnesty. You could. You could but the Left has so much power in education, the media, and in politics (judges are political) that they feel no need to compromise.

you could build a wall in a year or less. The property rights thing is a canard. IT is called eminent domain. That rulings have not come down from the bench shows the bench to be excrement sandwich. Remember these are the courts that said you can take people's houses away so a private developer can build a mall.

So you can take property away to build a mall but not a wall?

Obviously, opponents of the wall need to check their privilege, their honesty, their IQ or they sanity.

fred said...

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Anonymous said...

Brennan voted communist and parrot believes every word he says.

There are Leftists dying of the cold today and their last thoughts will be of global warming due to the press. Nancy is popular. She has a bunch of Goebbels and little Eichmans behind her in the news biz.

People forgot that they turned her out on her derrière 10 years ago after a mere 2 years in power. Such is the power of a lying press.

Mike Feldhake said...

Hahahaha, that's funny Fred. Thanks for the Joke.

fred said...

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fred said...

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fred said...

anon: like trump, you do not know the diff between climate and weather
the cold is due The Polar Vortex, lest we forget, is a large area of cold air high up in the atmosphere that normally lives over the poles (as its name suggests) but — thanks to a meandering jet stream — parts of the vortex can slosh down into North America, helping to funnel unspeakably cold air into the central and eastern U.S.

Though the vortex itself has been around for a few billion years and understood by scientists for several decades, it only entered the popular lexicon as a synonym for miserably cold weather a few years ago.

Anonymous said...


"I do know the difference between weather and climate. "

every summer it gets hot and some libtard politician, journalist, scientist, celebrity or activist will point to the hot weather of the moment and shout climate change.

So I am lampooning the fact.

"the popular lexicon as a synonym for miserably cold weather a few years ago."
Really? We have had the names Siberian Express, the Alberta Clipper, The Canadian express and the Polar Vortex tossed about by meteorologists for 5 or 6 decades to spice up their talk. When they change the term every 2 or 3 years, the noob graduates think they found something new.

" understood by scientists for several decades"
Described at least since 1853. Since when did 17 decades become several decades?
Oh right, you are good with words but not so much with ideas and concepts.

"Though the vortex itself has been around for a few billion years "
Maybe you could leave us alone with your dawdlings. We know about the Coriolis effect TYVM

Anonymous said...

"Left Creates “Polar Vortex” to Make You Think Winter is Caused by Global Warming"

Some Lefties have claimed it.

Famous Leftards Predicitons