Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Venezuela Loads Russian Plane With 20 Tons Of Gold

FOX News: $840M in gold bars prepared for loading onto Russian jet at Venezuelan airport: report

About 20 tons of gold from Venezuela's central bank was ready to be hauled away Tuesday on a Russian airline's Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas a day earlier, a Venezuelan lawmaker wrote on Twitter.

The destination of the $840 million in gold bars was unknown, but a source told Bloomberg News that it represented about 20 percent of the country's holding of the metal. The gold was set aside for loading, the report said.

The news outlet, which first reported on the tweet, identified the lawmaker as Jose Guerra. The lawmaker did not provide evidence for his claim but is identified in the report as a former economist at the country's central bank with close ties to workers still there.

Noticias Venezuela, a news outlet in the country, posted a photo of what it identified as a Nordwind Airlines plane from Moscow that made the trip with only a crew aboard.

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WNU Editor: I believe this story is true, and there are two reasons why this gold is being transported out. (One) It is something that Moscow would demand if the Venezuelan regime under Maduro wanted continued Russian diplomatic/financial/and (maybe) military support. Or two, the leaders of the regime now believe that it is only a matter of time before they are replaced, and they are looting the country so that when they do flee, they have a fortune somewhere else (like in Russia).

Update: Maduro "Open To Talks" As 20 Tons Of Gold Mysteriously Disappears From Venezeula's Vaults (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

Many people under Hugo Chavez looted Venezuela and move to the US or elsewhere.

Forensic auditing is in order. The US should extradite those looters to The Hague. The Hague will let too many of them go, but at least ti would move the circus off US soil and put some fear into some Chavistas. Why would anyone leave paradise in 2012 and 2013 and come to the evil US. Are these people the kind who would steal food from the mouths of babes and lie about it? They are. Rinse & Repeat, you know they will vote Democrat.

Following the trail of Chavistas in Miami
"The Venezuelan exile keeps track of charges and sympathizers of the Maduro regime settled in the US"

They stole more than just the cash in the bank. They stole cash needed for infrastructure upkeep.

"As an oil company, PDVSA was ruined. Production dropped despite a global boom in oil prices. The injury rate, measured in lost man-hours, more than tripled. In 2012, a refinery exploded, killing at least 40 and causing $1.7bn in damage, suggesting that even maintenance budgets had been siphoned off."

Never mind. Some bird brain will tell us that it was because of the drought. It is the reason bird brain gave for the lack of hydroelectric power.

Why would thieves feel so comfortable coming to the US before 2016?

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened in the wake of Ukraine's overthrow. Ukraine's gold reserves were loaded onto American planes and taking out of the country. Its the price you pay for foreign support of your leadership.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Strategic Culture is a Russian front group.

they provide a lot of articles for Zeroheadge making it much less useful as a news site in the last few years.

At a quick glance I think they got the gold through arms sales. A person would be better off selling toilet paper. You get repeat business and you are not relying on war or conflict.

Anonymous said...

After 2014 the economy improved. That is very sinister to a liberal. It is horrifying. If you keep doing better at some point you do not need the liberal.