Thursday, January 17, 2019

Vice President Pence Says ISIS Has Been Defeated Only Hours After An ISIS Attack Kills 4 Americans

The Hill: Pence says 'ISIS has been defeated' hours after attack that killed US troops in Syria

Vice President Pence declared Wednesday that "ISIS has been defeated," hours after the terrorist group claimed responsibility for an attack in Syria that killed U.S. troops.

"Thanks to the leadership of this commander in chief and the courage and sacrifice of our armed forces, we’re now actually able to begin to hand off the fight against ISIS in Syria to our coalition partners, and we are bringing out troops home," Pence said at a State Department event in Washington, D.C.

"The caliphate has crumbled and ISIS has been defeated," he added in remarks at the Global Chiefs of Mission Conference, prompting applause in the room.

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Update #1: Hours after U.S. troops killed in Syria, Pence says Islamic State defeated -- Reuters
Update #2: Pence declares 'ISIS has been defeated' on the same day as deadly Syria attack -- CNN

WNU Editor: Unlike President Trump who has good instincts and timing, Vice President Pence clearly does not (which makes me wonder how did he ever succeed in politics). And while the Vice-President is right that ISIS has been defeated and its caliphate no longer exists, he should have focused more of his speech on why the ideology that spawned ISIS must still be confronted, and why those who support ISIS (of which they are many) will continue to remain as a threat for years to come.


Anonymous said...

The media pounces on most remarks President Trump or his senior advisors make and try to spin those remarks in a negative way.

The big news is ISIS has been ground down to controlling a tiny part of Syria. The media of course can't let that message pervade so they'll take any ISIS related attack in Syria as proof Trump is wrong.

Bob Huntley said...

As the outcome of the Vietnam war was becoming more obvious one of the withdrawal strategies suggested was was to just declare victory and leave.

Anonymous said...

Pence must have been preoccupied picking out the uniforms for SPACE FORCE.

Anonymous said...

anon: it was the administration that declared ISIS finished. Not the media. You are right. they are still there but perhaps greatly diminished. But to say they were done in was silly or dumb or a lie

Bob Huntley said...

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." John F. Kennedy

"You need to be careful with your actions because even bad ideas lives on." Robert J. Huntley