Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Watch The AC-130 Gunship In Action

Popular Mechanics: Watch a AC-130 Gunship Devastate Targets on the Ground with Its Howitzer

The 105mm howitzer is by far the largest gun on any combat aircraft today.

The largest gun attached to any warplane in the world belongs to the new AC-130W Stinger II flying gunship. Its M102 howitzer can fire 105mm high-explosive shells at targets on the ground at a rate of up to ten rounds per minute. Here it is in action:

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Anonymous said...

I think nowhere is the US worse than at propaganda and military videos.. common guys, that was a snooze fest.. Chinese would have had a national anthem, some Chinese soldiers screaming some weird chinese stuff and looking all serious and there would be many more explosions.. like wtf. the US is home to Michael Bay, do something with him! 3D it up, explosions, sharks perhaps, I don't know.. but not this.. gah this was boring :P

Mike Feldhake said...


Dave Goldstein said...

Putting a 105 in a ac-130 is not new. Just hasn't been done in a while.
I saw one in Vietnam.