Sunday, January 27, 2019

Who Should Be Blamed For The Atrocities In Europe During The Second World War? Germany Or The Nazis?

The entrance to the former Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau with the lettering 'Arbeit macht frei' ('Work makes you free') in Oswiecim, Poland. Credit רויטרס

AFP: Polish PM says Hitler's Germany responsible for Holocaust, not Nazis

Hitler's Germany was responsible for the Holocaust, not the Nazis, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Sunday, as Poland marked 74 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.

"Hitler's Germany fed on fascist ideology... But all the evil came from this (German) state and we cannot forget that, because otherwise we relativise evil," said Morawiecki at an official ceremony at Auschwitz.

"The Polish state acts as the guardian of the truth, which must not be relativised in any way," he said.

"I want to make a promise here to (preserve) the complete truth about that era," he added, in a speech in the southern city of Oswiecim to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

Sunday's ceremony at Auschwitz was attended by a number of former prisoners at the camp.

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WNU editor: For those who are new to the blog. My father fought on the Soviet side in Second World War, and was in Germany when the war ended. His military duties during the war was to command an artillery unit, and at the end of the war he commanded a military police unit in East Germany to make sure that the occupying Soviet soldiers respected the law. One of his favourite stories was the following. For four years he fought against soldiers who spoke mainly German, and who following the orders of a political party in Germany that called themselves National Socialists. Nazis for short. At the end of the war he found himself in Germany for over a year, but during that whole time (as he always enjoyed telling me), he never met a Nazi.

The Polish Prime Minister is correct when he says that the German state was responsible for the holocaust. As a nation they embraced this Nazi ideology, and this ideology in turn filled many of them with the hate and contempt that helped lay the foundation for the establishment of the death camps. Fortunately .... I think many in Germany understand this. As a nation they have pursued a policy of compensation, atonement, and reconciliation. Unlike the Japanese who have pursued a policy that is completely opposite to what Germany has done, and is still doing.


Anonymous said...

Germany is responsible. Vast majority of NAZI’s assimilated back into post WWII Germany and held positions of trust in civic society. So many harden criminals escaped justice in Germany and its only fair that Germany kept paying.

fazman said...

Most nations Russia and the U.S included fit that criterea.
Germany was NOT a democracy, vote here for Auschwitz or tick here for know.
You towed the line or you disappeared yourself.

Anonymous said...

WNU sorry but your Russian bias shows.
Germany is not responsible, obviously.

Here is why:

Many Germans too were killed by Nazis.
Makes sense in your logic?


it was not about nationality



don't you guys know any history?

Anonymous said...

exactly... also, famous scientists like Einstein, were German before they fled to America.
Think Einstein is responsible and should pay?

Freaking fools don't know any history and then pretend.

Do you know how many Germans died trying to assassinate Hitler? FFS it's fing insulting what you post here.. Germany is like the only country in the history of the world that bends over backwards to apologize for its history

What about Russia and the millions and millions you guys killed? You killed AND STARVED(!) more Ukrainians and other nationalities than 3 Hitlers together did

When will Russia pay? When will Russia even apologize? You guys can learn a lot from Germany and how it behaves. The Nazis killed left and right ,and you won't get to rewrite history and blame all Germans

fazman said...

I agree, it's like saying all Russians are responsible for Stalin's crimes,

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above. Russian bias and never thinking of their own war crimes is pathetic.

Also. .don't you even know that Hitler was Austrian? Just saying. .ignorance here on this topic, while Russia kills babies in Syria as we speak(!), is just unbelievable

Anonymous said...

Funny how the current war mongers and second largest arms seller to the world wants Germany to pay for atrocities 70 years ago. And then, to put the cherry on top, conveniently forget that Russia and Nazi Germany at first were partners. You guys divided Poland among yourself. Then you forget. You hypocrite

Anonymous said...

Blame Obama and the Liberals

Anonymous said...

I would. .but all the media outlets are already full calling Trump a Nazi, for real, not as a joke. That's what your side does. Every day. How does it feel? The thing you just suggested jokingly. Happens every day. And you applaud it.