Friday, January 4, 2019

Why America's Foes Do Not Want A Quick U.S. Pullout From Afghanistan

Brigadier General Larry Nicholson addressed Marines before they conducted a helicopter assault into Marja, a Taliban stronghold in Helmand Province. Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

Omar Lamrani, Stratfor: Why Washington's Foes Won't Welcome a Quick U.S. Pullout From Afghanistan

* Although the Taliban has welcomed the prospect of a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the group will have to decide whether to press for a greater advantage after the pullout or pursue a deal out of fear of a growing Islamic State.
* Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia might not like having U.S. troops on their doorstep, but they worry about the implications of any rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces.
* Because no neighboring country can assume the United States' mantle in Afghanistan, each will seek to guarantee only a modicum of stability in their areas of interest in the country.

U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement late last month about the imminent withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria grabbed all the headlines, but it wasn't his only notice about a coming pullout. According to reports, Trump has also ordered the withdrawal of half of the 14,000 American forces in Afghanistan. Although the White House subsequently contradicted the reports on Dec. 28, Trump has made no secret of his distaste for the long U.S. involvement in the country. What's more, Washington's current efforts to reach a peace deal with the Taliban highlight its increasing impatience with the enduring war in Afghanistan and its desire to leave the conflict.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If the U.S. leaves someone will need to step-up .... and it looks like no one wants to.


Unknown said...

Ok run

Anonymous said...

If the USA pulls out; China must step in.

China must go in because if the country is only partially governed by an Iranian or Pakistani puppet or client, then the Uighurs will move in an establish secure base camps. Those camps will be used to organize and stage attack into China.

China would respond brutally, but the usual suspects here would still be bleating "but but Trump" or "Murrica is still worse." You know they are good for it. I have a fiver down on a
bet that they would so bitch and lie.

Anonymous said...

Assisting a country against fascists like the Taliban is like lifting weights at the gym.

If there is a new guy, a 90 lb weakling, you spot him. You carry some of the weight, but at some point it has to be all him,. He has to do the heavy lifting.

There is not running. Afghanistan is old enough to go to college. Time for them to move out.