Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Women Have Taken Over America's Military-Industrial Complex

Politico: How women took over the military-industrial complex

For the first time, the nation's defense hierarchy is no longer dominated by men.

From the executive leadership of top weapons-makers, to the senior government officials designing and purchasing the nation’s military arsenal, the United States’ national defense hierarchy is, for the first time, largely run by women.

As of Jan. 1, the CEOs of four of the nation's five biggest defense contractors — Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and the defense arm of Boeing — are now women. And across the negotiating table, the Pentagon's top weapons buyer and the chief overseer of the nation's nuclear stockpile now join other women in some of the most influential national security posts, such as the nation's top arms control negotiator and the secretary of the Air Force.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Women now make up the majority of students in university, and they are dominant in the sciences and engineering programs. This advancement to the top is not a surprise, and it is a trend that will continue.


Anonymous said...

Not surprising the least. Historians will look back at our time of architectured society in which you're no longer promoted or hired by merit but often by if you have the right skin colour or sex. In California a new law will come into action that enforces the largest tech companies to hire - by law- 50% female board members. I've noticed this for years in tech and sciences - if you've got the wrong skin colour or even worse, if you're male, you don't compete with everyone else but you compete against such laws. Good luck to us all.

And if you don't see a problem with that, think of this:

Under the "equality" movement, women -by law- get the best jobs. But there are no laws that demand women to be equal under the law for the bad jobs. Means all guys who cannot compete against laws will be forced into bad jobs. Sewage? Plumbing? There will be no equality laws there. Those are obviously jobs for guys, those filthy toxic masculinity asses...

You will see a shift in society like never before. Families are less common (which is good and bad, for various reasons but it will lead to an ever faster aging population). If I was an outside state actor attacking the US, this is how I'd do it. Seed some social media campaigns long enough to demand equality for women -by sex not merit- or anything by "x not merit " and you take away one pillar of US society which was a meritocracy. to get awards for participating, have safe and cry zones where there's no free speech allowed..etc. .. All loaded with a good shot of estrogen :-))))

Not fully serious in this post but if you haven't noticed some truth to it, I don't know where you have been the last 5-10 years

Anonymous said...

Attending uni I witnessed pampered asses moan that they were 2nd class citizens, because they were female. They would literally camp out the quad for all to see in cardboard boxes and sleeping bags.

I could never understand this back in the day. I would compare female relatives to my male relatives and saw that a higher percentage of females wen to college than males. So I never could understand these lying liberal women.

Anonymous said...

poooorrr anoooons
women at long last coming into their own with rights and yes responsibilities that men have had for years and so the boys are all upset because their world of privilege is changing...not sure about things? ask Harvey Weinstein and other players about the olde daies...
"back in the day"--Black troops were separated from white troops...women did not get to vote...average pay for same jobs was way less for women and remains that way today....ah, poor anons...things are a-changing

Anonymous said...

I find males overcompensatimg to promote women rights beyond their own rights interesting. Women, sure, illogical creatures. But men doing this. ..likely development issues.. we must study those human creatures more. Those that seem to like Kale and cafe Lattes seem well suited for domination. Easily malleable minds, repeating the latest doctrines without questioning them. Like parrots.

Anonymous said...

"back in the day"--Black troops were separated from white troops...women did not get to vote...

- Black troops were being integrate in the last year of WW2 1944/1945.

- Women got the vote in 1920. You are going back almost a century (98 years) moron.
* Women were voting in New Jersey in 1776
* Women were voting in Kentucky in 1838, but all you can think about are dueling banjos.

- Equal Pay: This is a long subject, but you are not familiar with statistics. Since you are were so wrong on everything else, we'll just state you are wrong on this one too.

Anonymous said...

Several hundred thousand white dudes died to free blacks.

Two thousand were murdered after the war... hunted by Democrats for wanting black free and voting.

Anonymous said...

You can't force women to become computer engineers, but you can force men to not...makes sense to me, next!