Monday, February 18, 2019

60 Minutes Interview With Former Acting FBI Director Andrwe McCabe

Andrew McCabe. 60 Minutes CBS

CBS 60 Minutes: Andrew McCabe: The full 60 Minutes interview

Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe tells 60 Minutes about taking over for James Comey, starting investigations of President Trump, interactions with the president and his own firing

Tonight you will hear for the first time from the man who ordered the FBI investigations of the president. Former Acting Director Andrew McCabe is about to describe behind-the-scenes chaos in 2017, after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. In the days that followed, McCabe says that law enforcement officials discussed whether to secretly record a conversation with the president and whether Mr. Trump could be removed from office through invoking the 25th Amendment. McCabe is the first person present in those meetings to describe them publicly.

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WNU Editor: The Justice Department is denying Andrew McCabe's allegations. As for McCabe's allegation that President Trump has an affinity for Russian President Putin .... I do not know where McCabe is coming from in making such an assessment, but that assessment is wrong. When you look at President Trump's push for tighter Russian sanctions, weapons to Ukraine, pushing NATO to buildup, opposition to North Stream II, termination of nuclear missile agreements, and letting the oil industry expand to levels that are severely damaging the revenues that oil producing nations like Russia make .... President Trump is no friend of Russia or Putin ..... not even close. So how did McCabe misjudged President Trump?  He has spent a life time in government working with officials and politicians. But it is clear to me that he never worked with someone like President Trump, who is in every way not a career politician. For his actions Andrew McCabe's career is over, and he now faces serious legal problems for lying to the FBI. The future is not going to be good for him.


Anonymous said...

It's straight up movie material. He'll be fine. He is a hero to the left, keep that in mind. People can commit treason on the left, and will get book and movie deals. It will be a long, long time until there's equal justice under the law. You and I know that the media is controlled almost exclusively by the left. The reason why he was able to keep his job for so incredibly long -despite committing and admitting to a coup- is because he's against Trump. He will get millions in the book deal and following movie deal(s), and will give dozens of speeches over the next years. He will perhaps even be a CNN talking/panel head and earn half a million from that per year alone to spew nonsense, because parrots will keep watching it. Also, media giants like CNN are so deeply vested in this Russia collusion story that they need to keep it going and he is the perfect instrument for that. And, if and when the time comes to distance themselves from this hoax they co-created, they will wash their hands clean by firing him/letting him go quietly. By then he'll be still in the plus and can tell himself that he did right. And Hillary will laugh her ass off because she remains untouchable as former first lady. Everyone knows her involvement in this Russia hoax. Until she and McCabe and perhaps Comey are in prison I don't believe in justice in the US :D

Jac said...

America is supposed to be a country ruled under law. Why theses people are still free?

Anonymous said...

- Russian sanctions,

Trump opposed them the 1st few go arounds. He said so, but he signed them. That is a policy difference that the slavering mob in the chambers would like to break a clay pot over.

- weapons to Ukraine,
- pushing NATO to buildup,
- opposition to North Stream II,
- termination of nuclear missile agreements, and letting the oil industry expand to levels that are severely damaging the revenues that oil producing nations like Russia make

These are all true and they show Trump to be honest, forthright and not like a cock in a storm, which is not like his opponents.

Why would Trump not wants sanctions? He trusts his ability to make a deal with anyone. He thinks when he gets to the table he can make a mutually agreeable deal with any serious person.

Two points. First, he knows when you slap sanctions that the oligarchs will be angry and he won't be able to make a deal. Back in the 70s not slapping on sanction and talking to the Russians would be called Real Politik. Nowadays in perpetual sill y season it is called treason. Second, you cannot make a deal with everyone. We have entered into the AOCEne.

Mike Feldhake said...

I did not watch the show but saw the clip as everyone is asserting he is lieing about the wire thing. People are right, the media is controlled by the left, but so is a large chunk of the law. Very sad!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boy that assessment was spot on. The best supporting actor in his role as a treasonous felon goes to...............

Anonymous said...

They will Mr. Chuds. It must be frustrating for you as smart as you are.

Anonymous said...

Chud slayer spoke truth to power. He is still looking for a 2nd neuron to keep his 1st neuron company.

Anonymous said...

Alas, it will be a long and lonely search. Diogenes would be proud.

Anonymous said...

The least macho president
In one news conference, Trump created several new minefields

Anonymous said...

Former Trump Officials Are Supposed to Avoid Lobbying. Except 33 Haven’t.">
Who Else Might Like Medicare for All? Retired Coal Miners Who Just Had Their Health Benefits Ripped Away
'Something Bizarre and Sinister' About Donald Trump's Relationship With Russia, CNN Analyst Warns

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since you mentioned him earlier, you should change your name to Smollett, it would be easier for you to get reservations in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to tell what is the panter's biggest joy in life, digging up 'dirt' on Trump or finding free naked pics on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Lol, that's Lapides for you. He should look up obvious in the dictionary.

jimbrown said...

Sure had his book reviewed by FBI very quickly.

Anonymous said...

It's just been a great few months for republicans. Democrats are embarrassing themselves left and right, and Trump is the god emperor many of us hoped he'd be hehe 2020,baby!

PS not tired of winning just yet, let's keep this going :D

And then investigate ask the wrong doings by McCabe and the original FISA sin. Oh baby..noticed how quiet Hillary is lately? :P she must be starting to sweat hehe.. her only way out of this is to become president or strike a deal with DJT. But the only thing he wants more than her is the big O himself. If Obama is connected to this weaponisation of fisa and the FBI somehow, he will regret making fun of the Donald during the white house correspondence dinner. I remember :D