Sunday, February 10, 2019

Brussels Is Teeming With Hundreds Of Russian And Chinese Spies

DW: Hundreds of Russian and Chinese spies in Brussels — report

The EU's de facto capital is teeming with Russian and Chinese spies, according to officials cited by a German newspaper. Diplomats have reportedly been told to avoid certain eateries in the European quarter.

The EU's foreign service has warned there are hundreds of Russian and Chinese intelligence agents operating in Brussels, according to a report in Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) estimates there are "about 250 Chinese and 200 Russian spies in the European capital," the paper reported, citing EU diplomats.

Diplomats and military officials were advised to avoid certain parts of Brussels' European quarter, including a popular steakhouse and a cafe near the European Commission's main building, the report said.

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WNU editor:  The EU is there. NATO is headquartered there. It is only logical that the world's top spy agencies would be focused on what is happening in that city.


Anonymous said...

The Chinese and Russian spies are a concern but a bigger concern is how many traitors are walking around Brussels?

Anonymous said...

The Danish government refuses to publish the traitors list of the people in the 1970s and 1980s in politics journalism and other walks of life who chummed up to the Soviets.

Anonymous said...

Danish Journalist Jørgen Dragsdahl was a KGB agent

So many in the West are agents of foreign powers, because they are stupid like AOC or lily- livered.

Anonymous said...

Danish Intelligence at the behest of the establishment refuses to list the traitors as it may ruin their careers, cast a pall over their life's work while in retirement, or give the Left a deserved black eye.

In the meantime these traitors get away scot-free and are able to continue their damaging agenda, bu churning out idiots like AOC.

Anonymous said...

"Mr Dragsdahls numerous supporters among Danish journalists and politically correct academics have done their utmost to construe the case as a question of who was right in the Cold War. Their champion is the Soviet Union and their whipping boys and girls are President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher."

The same schmendriks who do that nowadays resort to the smear of neocon or MAGA CHUDs. They never define what a neo-con is or what the policies they are for, if the polices are good or bad. They just use the term neocon as a short hand not really knowing what it means other than they were taught by other airheads that it was bad. Which is okay, because we wouldn't want to overclock their 8086 brains.

Of course libs have to say neocons are bad, because they are traitors. They are off the reservation. They have left the plantation. They are apostate.