Monday, February 4, 2019

China Sees Itself As A Nation That Is Breaking Away From A Century Of Humiliation

Xi Jinping takes a public oath of allegiance to the Constitution in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 17, 2018. Xi was elected Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China earlier Saturday at the ongoing first session of the 13th National People's Congress, the national legislature. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

Christian Heller, RCD: South China Sea: China Breaks From a Century of Humiliation

“Unless one is intimately aware of this Chinese historical experience, one cannot comprehend what motivates China today in the South China Sea.”

On July 1st, 1997 Jiang Zemin, President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), accepted the return of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom. After a century and a half under British control, Chinese leaders reasserted dominance over one of the largest ports and economic centers in eastern Asia, thereby “wiping out the century-old humiliation caused by its occupation.” This Century of Humiliation from 1842 to 1949 and the contemporary discourse around it are a driving narrative of contemporary Chinese history, foreign policy, and militarization of its surrounding regions like the South China Sea. The expansion of the Chinese navy in numbers, mission, and aggression is directly fueled by China’s previous weakness and exploitation at the hands of western nations.

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WNU Editor: When a country's leader uses nationalism and humiliation together to promote their foreign policy, nothing good ever comes out from that.


Anonymous said...

Wnu exactly. Many of the big wars started because of pride. Or at least contributed. Chinese feel like the rightful leaders of the world and that they should have led a huge years ago, but because of the warmongering of others (other Asian nations and Europeans mostly but also by proxy and in the last four-five decades the US with its influence projection all around the world)

The average Chinese does not believe in any of the things their government does. IP theft. It's also too abstract. And in comparison the videos about the Vietnam war (USA=bad) and the sino Japanese war (Japanese=bad) are too real and much more tangible than trade. The west does not fully understand just how much at conflict we are. It takes Xi and Trump to not move us over the edge. Culturally we are at war. ethnically too - but not by our choice. You see, in China, whites are second race - lower than Chinese. And third race is Indians and other Asians. Fourth race in China are blacks. Racism is well alive in China and so present in every aspect that you as African American will not believe what moving to China or living under Chinese rule means. Think white people are "toxic" and "bad"? Just wait :) ask anyone from the "second, third or fourth race" (as they'd qualify it) who's lived in china. Have a look at the politicians. All ethno Chinese. Military leaders. All ethno Chinese. Business leaders. Almost all ethno Chinese. There is zero room for you in China if you're not ethno Chinese. Or think about religion. Ask the million Muslims that were forced into "reschooling" camps.

Thankfully we have Trump. I would not be surprised if China looks beyond posting anti Trump ads in the next election. They could lose trillions in the trade war and I don't think the announced "big breakthrough" in trade negotiations will be that big. China cannot afford concessions without drastically changing their plans to overtake the US. They don't want to wait till 2050 or longer. Maybe 2035 but their missed goal of 2025 is already painful.

Anonymous said...

The USA is back to pre-WW2 understandings of Asia by the government and finger waggers. One must intimately understand Chinese history, psychology and occupation in order to deal with the payback mentality of the new Middle Kingdom. Despite excellent military intelligence reports (you can find them online), books on intent and methods, and academic warnings the threat of Japan was either ignored on political or racist grounds.

The Trump cabal has neither the sophistication or inclination to meet the multidimensional challenge of China.

The Chinese are rightfully pissed at West. It is going to take real talent to blunt it. The USA currently lacks the leadership to perform sophisticated tasks to meet the challenge. Too much Executive Time, fast food and ignored intelligence briefings.

Anonymous said...

Chinese people are humiliated by their own desire to do anything to survive. They are humiliated because not only are they weak minded by they give in to foreign rule and obedience.

China will never be a great power because its a snake. Without the head China will full into despair.

Anonymous said...

China is looking more and more like Nazi Germany with each passing moment.

Anonymous said...

You're living in the 19th century. Today, right now, in this moment, China is a great power. Denying that is just ignorant at best.

Anonymous said...

Blah. Multidimensional lol big word ;) fact is: this administration is the best so far on China. Obama didn't do anything but fail in his "pivot to Asia" and that brought hypermilitarisation while he gutted the US military at the same time. That said: bush and Clinton also didn't do anything. Clinton was a bit too early perhaps and excused. But Bush should have. He was distracted by 9/11 and outmatched by Cheney though.. but Trump is definitely best on China by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

If Trump is the best, we better start learning to read in at least one Chinese dialect and use woks. Then again, it takes a limited intellect to fully appreciate and understand him. Guess you are a cut and run conservative.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

So which politician according to your great mind, which doesn't sink to name calling and ad hominem attacks at all, best wrt China?

