Saturday, February 9, 2019

Crisis In Venezuela -- News Updates February 9, 2019

Daily Mail: 'We will keep going until we achieve our objective': Venezuelan interim president Juan Guaido urges demonstrators to continue their protests to bring down socialist leader Nicolas Maduro's regime

* Opposition leader Juan Guaido said: 'They are already defeated' on Friday
* Guaido was speaking to over 2,000 at the Central University of Venezuela
* He said it was only a matter of time before Nicolas Maduro's regime fell
* Meanwhile Maduro gave a press conference at which the lights went out

Venezuela's interim president Juan Guaido urged demonstrators to continue their fight against the socialist tyrant Nicolas Maduro in Caracas today.

Guaido told a packed 2,700-seat theatre at the Central University of Venezuela that Maduro's days were numbered, as he clings to power.

Meanwhile, Maduro was left red-faced at a press conference in the Miraflores Palace, when the lights went out.

Read more ....

Crisis In Venezuela -- News Updates February 9, 2019

Venezuela's Guaido won't rule out authorizing US intervention -- AFP
Venezuela's Guaido: 'We will do what is necessary' -- AFP
Exclusive: U.S. in direct contact with Venezuelan military, urging defections - source -- Reuters
US Contacting Venezuelan Military Officials Directly to Urge Defections - Report -- Sputnik
Humanitarian aid for Venezuelans stored at bridge crossing border as military blocks passage -- ABC News
Venezuela: Maduro rejects humanitarian aid as nation starves -- DW
Maduro: Venezuelans Not ‘Beggars,' Give Humanitarian Aid to Colombians -- VOA/Reuters
Exclusive: Venezuela shifts oil ventures' accounts to Russian bank - document, sources -- Reuters
‘You’re deaf’: Maduro says EU is not listening to Venezuela -- RT
US revokes visas held by Maduro allies -- FOX News
Maduro will step down soon enough, former Venezuela opposition leader says -- Nypost
Venezuela crisis: Desperate citizens 'selling hair on border' as thousands flee poverty-stricken country -- The Independent
Venezuelan military official drops allegiance to Maduro -- AFP
US Military Option in Venezuela Risks Long Unpopular War -- Brian Padden, VOA
The Danger Is Mounting in Venezuela -- Bloomberg


Jac said...

Without the money from oil, Maduro cannot stay in power a long time.

Anonymous said...

I like where the Venezuelan government blocked the roads coming form Columbia to block foreign aid / food shipments.

That has desperation all over it.

On the bright side since the Russian, Cuban, Hezbollan, and Nicaraguan troops protecting will get fed, Maduro should hold elections. He will get 100% of the vote. All the the Venezuelans have had to leave (for the most part) to find food.

Counting the foreign troops and making them eligible to vote will give a record turnout.

News outlets should give vote breakdowns such as 100% of the Cuban 110th brigade voted for Maduro.

With results coming in 99% of the Hezbollan troops went for Maduro.