Sunday, February 3, 2019

Does President Trump Take His Intelligence Briefings Seriously?

U.S. President Donald Trump stands with the new CIA Director Gina Haspel during her swearing-in ceremony at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, U.S. May 21, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Time: 'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s renewed attacks on the U.S. intelligence community this week, senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security with what they say is a stubborn disregard for their assessments.

Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called “willful ignorance” when presented with analyses generated by America’s $81 billion-a-year intelligence services. The officials, who include analysts who prepare Trump’s briefs and the briefers themselves, describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The intel community's concerns (and criticisms) that a President does not take their intel briefings seriously is nothing new .... Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings – as spies hit back after he blamed them for underestimating ISIS (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...


He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person
Daily briefs can also be delivered to the president in writing, and he prefers to read them on his iPad

Anonymous said...

"He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person
Daily briefs can also be delivered to the president in writing, and he prefers to read them on his iPad"

Calm down Fred.

How do you know Trump does not read his intel briefs?

Do you personally get a read receipt every day that Trump has read it in your Outlook account?

fred said...

Fred calm
If you read you will know his reading habits
stop being catty

Trump says he doesn't "have to agree" with intelligence chiefs on global threats

Hans Persson said...

Anon @ 10:32

Triggered much?

fred said...

go nibble on pre-superbowl food and slink off
find something to keep you busy other than being girly boy

Anonymous said...

So it is you. The same person that use to always type all CAPS. Definitely TRIGGERED!

I could see you not being nice to some of us, but what has Hans done to you, other than being German?

* The Atlantic is a Left wing publication. There is a reason they get their editor from The New Republic. It doesn't mean that every article is crap. I actually like some of them, but one has to be on the lookout for slant and spin.

* Unlike the Romans the Druids did not leave written records. Does that mean they were illiterate, uncivilized, and dumb?

- These intel weenies are really, really on top of their game? All the time?
How come they let Gorelicker prevent the FBI & CIA from talking and missed 911?

- How come the Rise of ISIS in 2014 was not seen 2011, when we pulled out of Iraq?

Maybe you ought to take your own advice and do something any Red blooded American would do and watch the Superbowl instead getting free pix of Russian beauties. I think there is some colluding going on there.

fred said...

having your period?

Anonymous said...

Is that how you normally talk to your spouse, Mrs L.?

I raised several points and you could not answer a one of them. Sad.

fred said...

I chat with my spouse in Latin


Stephen Davenport said...

Yeah, Fred, you lose son. You assume he doesn't like intelligence because some rag says he doesn't. Probably got their info from the typical "anonymous" never verified sources too. For the record I can trust the US intelligence as far as I can throw them, remember Brennan, Clapper and Hayden were supposebly part of this apparatus as well, and they are known liars.

Anonymous said...

A picture is worth 1000 words, truth is that intelligence agencies around the world have pushed woman to lead them. Many agencies have quotas for woman and they are publicly proud of when they have 50% or more in leadership roles.

Issue is that because of the nature of the work, discussing whos better for the position is not possible, infact many people don't know what goes on inside these agencies until they get there.

While many may disagree, men are more effective in leadership roles, they empower while woman degrade. Whats more disappointing is lack of evidence to show this equality push is a positive. Plenty to show woman stick to guidelines and rules more, but when it comes to results.

So when you ask does Trump take his intelligence briefing seriously the answer is of course not. Because the agencies themselves don't take the job seriously, the hire on gender with little to no oversight as to the effects. This only serves to empower those hired on this bias to slack off, to be horrible at their job because they know they wont be replaced by another woman who knows even less.

Many may disagree, call me sexist but im not hiring people based on their sex. Im calling these agencies out for being sexists because they are. If there was refutable proof they are better served then why is Trump missing so many? why isnt it plastered all over media to empower feminism?

fred said...

YOU are way off the mark. And yes. You are sexist. And to say these agencies do not do their job seriously is not just wrong but an insult. I know now and new some time ago a number of people working in various intel places, including NSA and CIA and they are very serious and dedicated. The lady now heading the CIA did not get become head of the agency merely because she is a woman.
your comment is insulting both to men and to women who are responsible and dedicated and often serving in dangerous areas while you sit at a keyboard and badmouth those who serve and are dedicated...

Anonymous said...

I see quotas all the time.

Why should the CIA be any different?

Some countries are very open about it like Germany.

Other countries say they have, but that they do not have quotas.

Anyway, we should defer to you,because you now or 'new' somebody.

Hans Persson said...

Why argue? Let fred have his homo-erotic behaviour to himself.

Stephen Davenport said...

Fred probably was screaming to the high heavens about how "Bush lied and people died" during the beginning of the Iraq war, probably complained about the crappy intelligence. Yet loving speaks of the intelligence agency today under Trump as the greatest thing ever, that is never wrong and always gets it right.

Anonymous said...

Hehe exactly. There are so many intelligence failures. It's funny how we humans are so easily blinded by titles. A douche with "intelligence" in his or her title will be taken much more seriously, just because of the name of the game. Intelligence. Special services.

But realistically one fck up after another. 9/11. Iraq. Even WW2 and the Cuban missile crisis were all intelligence failures.

Or remember when WW3 almost happened because Russia thought the US was attacking? Well it wasn't an intelligence service saving the world then either.
