Friday, February 22, 2019

Editor's Note

Update 10:33 EST: On the road right now travelling from Toronto to Montreal. Blogging will return this evening.

Travelling tonight to Toronto. A long time friend of the family passed away this week, and I am attending his funeral tomorrow. Blogging will be sporadic. Regular blogging will return Sunday morning.


RussInSoCal said...

My condolences. I hope it was not unexpected.

B.Poster said...

I am so sorry to learn of their passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family during this difficult time and always.

Rodger Ramster said...

My deepest condolences.

War News Updates Editor said...

He was 96 years old. My father got to know him years ago, and our family never lost touch with him and his family. He is also the last of my father's generation who lived under Stalin, endured the horrible conditions under Communism, fought against the Nazis and their allies in World War II, and lived long enough to see the Wall fall down and take the chance to live a new life in the West. This is a very sad day for all of us. He is and will be sorely missed by all.

Anonymous said...

Wow. My condolences. I hope our generation never will see war, but if we do, let's pray to be on the right side like your family's friend

Mike Feldhake said...

Be Safe!